Hi! I started working out about a year ago and put on 20kg, and am generally very pleased
with my strength and physique gains. However, my arms, which before were tiny, just
don’t seem to reflect my strength gains. Recently I was likened to a triangle with two
sticks hanging from the top two points. Great =P.
My Current ‘stats’ are:
Weight: 90 kg
BF: 15-20% unsure, can see some ab definition (not a priority!)
Height: 186 cm
Flexed Arms: Left-15inch Right-15.5inch
Cold Arms: 13inch
Bench: 8x100kg
Military Press: 5x60kg
Squat: 5x130kg
Deadlift: 3x145kg (oops)
I currently do a pretty standard 5 day split
Day 1 - Chest: Bench, Decline Dumbell Bench, Flyes…
Day 2 - Back: Lat Pullups, Deadlifts, Cable Rows…
Day 3 - Legs: Squat, Calf Raises…
Day 4 - Shoulders: Military Press, Dumbbell Press
Day 5 - Arms: Barbell Curls, Tricep pushdowns, Alternate Hammer Curls, Tricep dumbell extension, Reverse Curls, Dips, Pullups
My intensity was for the past year was 5x3 for main exercise, then 3 sets of 6-7 reps for accessory exercises
For the last month I’ve switched my arms day working up to 4 sets of 12, and think i’ve seen some small gains, as opposed to none!
I understand diet is obviously a key factor in muscle growth; my current eating habits probably
stand at around 3000-4000kCal/day with 150-200g of protein a day. What confuses me is that I am
still growing noticably stronger/bigger all over, just not on my arms.
Any advice on my workout would be greatly appreciated…
Work out arms more than once week?
Change up my arm workout? Pullups??
Alter my entire workout to compliment arms? I’m not adverse to changing to a full body/3 day/other split
Drastic diet change?