I am 6’2" 203-205lbs, not too sure of BF but it’s not that important to me. I’m currently trying to bulk up to around 220. For my size, I feel like my arms are lagging behind a bit. Currently my upper arms are 15" and my forearms are 13". I would like to see an inch by September or October. My workouts look like this:
Mon: Chest
Flat bench, incline bench, decline bench, dips, flys
Tuesday: Back
Wide grip pull ups, T-bar row, seated cable row (narrow grip), pulldowns, straight leg dead lifts
Wed: Legs
Back squats, legs curls, leg press, romanian deadlift, calf raises
Thursday: Off
Friday: Arms
Barbell curls, close grip bench, alternating dumbell curls, skullcrushers, hammer curls, kickbacks
Saturday: Shoulders
Dumbbell press, side and front laterals, front rows, cable pulldowns (rear delts), shrugs (back or front)
Sunday: Off (extra abs if I missed durring the week)
As far as what I eat, practically everything. I’m having 1 scoop whey before workout and 2 after with 2 bananas and thats a constant as with 4-6 eggs and raisin bran every breakfast. Other than those constants I eat everything thats high in protein and a lot of it…
So, that’s pretty much how I’ve been training and eating. If there is anything that needs to change in order for me to excell in arm growth I would greatly appreciate a little bit of info tossed my way. Thanks all