Are These Good Levels for a 22 YO?

I got a copy of my blood test results today and this is what I was tested for. My doctor says my T levels are “very good” but I still have really low libido.

Routine Hematology Result Reference Range and Comments
Hematology Panel
WBC 8.6 (4.0-11.0) 109/L
RBC 5.39 (4.30-5.90) 10
HGB 156 (135-180) g/L
HCT 0.46 (0.41-0.52) L/L
MCV 86 (80-100) fL
MCH 28.9 (27.0-34.0) pg
MCHC 338 (323-365) g/L
PLT 170 (150-400) 10*9/L

General Chemistry

FBS 4.7 (3.6-5.5) mmol/L taken at 0930 h

Thyroid function

TSH 3.11 (0.30-5.50) mU/L

Reproductive and Gonadal

Testosterone 14.7 (8.4-28.7) nmol/L Testosterone Coll. 0930
(Centaur - Chemiluminescence)
SHBG 16 (13-71) nmol/L
(Immulite 2000 Chemiluminescence)
Calc BioA Testo. 10.2 (5.0-18.0) nmol/L
(Method of Vermeulen)

So yeah my test levels are in the range, but if that’s the case I cant understand why I’m struggling to get an erection and have a dead libido. Are there any other hormones I should get tested out?? also another thing I wanted to ask is that some times my scrotum retracts inward and flattens with my testes ascended, is this normal for guys??

So yeah my test levels are in the range, but if that’s the case I cant understand why I’m struggling to get an erection and have a dead libido. Are there any other hormones I should get tested out?? also another thing I wanted to ask is that some times my scrotum retracts inward and flattens with my testes ascended, is this normal for guys?? [/quote]

When they’re cold, yeah. :slight_smile: Your balls’ll suck up into your body when you’re cold. The distance they dangle is a function of temperature, and they try to maintain a constant temperature by varying the distance to the closest heat source (your torso).

How’s your sleep? The more I learn about it, the more I realize a lot of symptoms of low T and/or elevated E are also symptoms of sleep problems.