I got a copy of my blood test results today and this is what I was tested for. My doctor says my T levels are “very good” but I still have really low libido.
Routine Hematology Result Reference Range and Comments
Hematology Panel
WBC 8.6 (4.0-11.0) 109/L
RBC 5.39 (4.30-5.90) 1012/L
HGB 156 (135-180) g/L
HCT 0.46 (0.41-0.52) L/L
MCV 86 (80-100) fL
MCH 28.9 (27.0-34.0) pg
MCHC 338 (323-365) g/L
PLT 170 (150-400) 10*9/L
General Chemistry
FBS 4.7 (3.6-5.5) mmol/L taken at 0930 h
Thyroid function
TSH 3.11 (0.30-5.50) mU/L
Reproductive and Gonadal
Testosterone 14.7 (8.4-28.7) nmol/L Testosterone Coll. 0930
(Centaur - Chemiluminescence)
SHBG 16 (13-71) nmol/L
(Immulite 2000 Chemiluminescence)
Calc BioA Testo. 10.2 (5.0-18.0) nmol/L
(Method of Vermeulen)
So yeah my test levels are in the range, but if that’s the case I cant understand why I’m struggling to get an erection and have a dead libido. Are there any other hormones I should get tested out?? also another thing I wanted to ask is that some times my scrotum retracts inward and flattens with my testes ascended, is this normal for guys??