[quote]Scott M wrote:
since this thread is worthless, dirtbag I like your new avatar.[/quote]
Hell, yeah! A+ on that one!
[quote]Scott M wrote:
since this thread is worthless, dirtbag I like your new avatar.[/quote]
Hell, yeah! A+ on that one!
[quote]arthursaxon wrote:
Scott M wrote:
since this thread is worthless, dirtbag I like your new avatar.
…it’s certainly the only thing stimulating on this page.
Dirtbag that avatar is rocking it! I tried to get it in a bigger size, but haven’t found it.
It’s Reon Kadena, but from which video??
Steroids are for dumb people like ourselves, so never…ever…forever touch them and tell everyone the same.
First of all, EVILDUDE is a dumb little kid…see his post here in the beginners section, it will explain alot.
[quote]Contrl wrote:
I’m going to be the odd-man-out here and ask:
What’s so appealing about that avatar? It’s just some average-looking Asian woman with heavy make-up looking generally promiscuous. It seems to me the very same reason that armies of mindless teenage drones obsess over that stupid Tila Tequila show on MTV. The skank is average-looking at best, and could benefit from a chlorine bath.[/quote]
Gotta take issue with average looking, too…
I am just a pervert and love looking at breasts.
Still better topic than the OP!
[quote]Evil Dude625 wrote:
With all the bad side effects to steroids are they really worth taking? Especially when they do nothing else except hurt you and grow muscle.[/quote]
Kid, don’t be an idiot. You’re all of 13 years old and you’re talking down to people with master’s degrees in biochemistry–the field of study that looks directly at things like hormones (steroids), enzymes, and other biological mechanisms. For your information, there are also a couple doctors around here, and many more aspiring doctors. You don’t know dick compared to them, and neither does the media, or most members of congress.
Don’t believe everything you see on the news. The media has a way of getting everything wrong and back-asswards, especially when they’re biased against something or trying to make a splash.
Now, if you’re nice, maybe you can learn something on this site. Try not to sound like you think you know everything.
[quote]sawadeekrob wrote:
I am just a pervert and love looking at breasts.
Still better topic than the OP![/quote]
I never knew who she was …frankly I don’t care about her name. I just like the fact she is dancing there half undressed …and if you really really concentrate I think she is saying …
OHhhh me soooo hoooony. Me luv yoo lung tyyyme!!
U see I thought she said…
Here is a good video of Reon Kadena.
There is some nudity. I hope this doesn’t get me in trouble.
[quote]GettingBig wrote:
Here is a good video of Reon Kadena.
There is some nudity. I hope this doesn’t get me in trouble.
For only 8 posts, GettingBig, I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say you’ve got a great start, man. Thank you.
Also, sawadeekrob: Holy crap she is saying that!
Nahh she is probably saying
[quote]sawadeekrob wrote:
Nahh she is probably saying
“ramen…chanpon…ramen…chanpon…” ;)[/quote]
I have no idea wtf that means but ok.
I still like Oh meee soo huney! Me luv joo lung tyme!
It is the underboob shot that makes dirtbags avitar so hypnotic. Its almost the same view you would get if you were eating her out.
On a sidenote a serious question to you guys:
do you guys think what you have achieved with steroid usage, you would have achieved naturally given that you would’ve trained naturally longer?
If you think you would’ve achieved it naturally, in the end which way you consider would have been better; staying natural or doing steroids?
Ok, that’s a fair question. At least it’s worded respectfully.
I can only answer as a non-user though–I think a lot of people use AAS as a way to accelerate their gains faster than would be possible naturally. I don’t see many people that use them to get beyond what they could have done naturally, exceptions being pro BBer’s. Even strength athletes I think are generally just accelerating their progress towards their full potential. I’m sure there are exceptions, but that’s how I see it.
For a lot of us serious trainees it’s the accomplishment of a goal, or just the feeling of being able to put more weight on and progressing that really makes us happy. In that regard I have no problem with AAS–it’s a feeling of complete well-being in many cases. Also, it’s human nature to want to reach your goal as fast as possible. So I have no problems with a guy who’s got his training down and his diet down looking to make faster progress towards his goals.
In my experience people who have lifted seriously and consistently for less than 10 years have no business at ALL talking about their genetic ceiling being reached. That means just about everybody I’ve ever talked to. Thibaudeau once said that he’s never seen anybody, from athlete to weightlifter, that has reached their genetic potential when they begin to be coached by thibs. In other words, that’s just an excuse used by weak minded people to justify their arrogance and laziness.
Personally, I’m all for getting to your goal fast as possible. Then you can set new goals. So in my mind, both staying natural and steroid/AAS use is fine if you’ve “paid your dues” in time and sweat. I see no inherent ethical problem with helping mother nature to go faster if your final goal would have been naturally achievable anyway.
I DO have a problem with people jumping on AAS too soon (when it’s obvious they’re not doing the work, don’t have the experience, or ‘just’ looking for a quick fix). I believe you should have a naturally impressive physical “resume” before using, because it takes that long to iron out all the bad things in your diet and training. It takes that long to figure out how to do things perfectly. What that standard is, I’m not sure, but I ‘know it when I see it’. My personal standard is a 600 lb deadlift, 350 lb bench, and 600 lb squat. I might accept two out of three, but not only one.
I DO have a problem with people using it in competitive sports if it is a banned drug in that league. I do not condone cheating the rules of play. But if you want to lift in an untested league, use to your heart’s content (intelligently).
[quote]Aragorn wrote:
Ok, that’s a fair question. At least it’s worded respectfully.
I can only answer as a non-user though–I think a lot of people use AAS as a way to accelerate their gains faster than would be possible naturally. I don’t see many people that use them to get beyond what they could have done naturally, exceptions being pro BBer’s. Even strength athletes I think are generally just accelerating their progress towards their full potential. I’m sure there are exceptions, but that’s how I see it.
For a lot of us serious trainees it’s the accomplishment of a goal, or just the feeling of being able to put more weight on and progressing that really makes us happy. In that regard I have no problem with AAS–it’s a feeling of complete well-being in many cases. Also, it’s human nature to want to reach your goal as fast as possible. So I have no problems with a guy who’s got his training down and his diet down looking to make faster progress towards his goals.
In my experience people who have lifted seriously and consistently for less than 10 years have no business at ALL talking about their genetic ceiling being reached. That means just about everybody I’ve ever talked to. Thibaudeau once said that he’s never seen anybody, from athlete to weightlifter, that has reached their genetic potential when they begin to be coached by thibs. In other words, that’s just an excuse used by weak minded people to justify their arrogance and laziness.
Personally, I’m all for getting to your goal fast as possible. Then you can set new goals. So in my mind, both staying natural and steroid/AAS use is fine if you’ve “paid your dues” in time and sweat. I see no inherent ethical problem with helping mother nature to go faster if your final goal would have been naturally achievable anyway.
I DO have a problem with people jumping on AAS too soon (when it’s obvious they’re not doing the work, don’t have the experience, or ‘just’ looking for a quick fix). I believe you should have a naturally impressive physical “resume” before using, because it takes that long to iron out all the bad things in your diet and training. It takes that long to figure out how to do things perfectly. What that standard is, I’m not sure, but I ‘know it when I see it’. My personal standard is a 600 lb deadlift, 350 lb bench, and 600 lb squat. I might accept two out of three, but not only one.
I DO have a problem with people using it in competitive sports if it is a banned drug in that league. I do not condone cheating the rules of play. But if you want to lift in an untested league, use to your heart’s content (intelligently).[/quote]
Good post as a non user myself I pretty much feel the same as you
I will clear this view once and for all
You can be naturally ripped
You can be naturally big
You can NOT be big, ripped and natural
Also to consider
Not everyone uses steroids to be huge
Not all users are men
The best supplements out there mimic steroids
I said shit man, I got 5 kids ta feed!
Heh, those were pretty much my thoughts exactly too as a non-user, aswell. Especially the part about competitive sports.
Those poundages you mentioned (600/350/600) sound pretty high to me considering how weak most of your average trainers are (and not even considering that there are still people who don’t do the squat or the deadlift at all), but considering from powerlifting/strength trainer’s point of view it sounds more right.
What I’ve been following about steroid talk is that a lot of people use them as a way to round some short comings of their diet/training/rest. It’s always funny but sad at the same time when people talk about hitting their natural limit at the ripe weight of 170 pounds at an average height when the lifts usually are ~230 pounds in the benchpress and “I don’t do it because my back and knees are bad” pounds in the squat and the deadlift.
Would be cool if some users could post some lift stats and such which they reached naturally and what they have reached after becoming chemically enhanced.
[quote]HKDOOM wrote:
Those poundages you mentioned (600/350/600) sound pretty high to me considering how weak most of your average trainers are (and [/quote]
Except for possibly the bench, those numbers sound far too high for most of the average population to worry about achieving naturally as a standard to hit before beginning AAS. Especially if one is a bodybuilder and doesn’t give nearly as much of a shit about his lift numbers.