I haven’t looked into this at all but my bet would be on Big Pharma. A “healthcare” system that kills people. Fucking awesome!
Yeah fuck it. Lets get rid of modern medicine and resurrect 35 year life expectancies.
I had some good coffee this morning.
No one is surprised by this.
So where is your information to prove my assertion wrong?
I don’t have to prove your assertion wrong. Your history of choosing the side of the idiotic is plenty to discredit any assertion you make.
It would be nice if you would make even one that could be proven right.
Yeah fuck it. Let’s keep on killing people for profit and watch our life expectancy to continue to decline. Premeditated murder is fine as long as Big Pharma is doing it. What if any good reason should they be held accountable?
And this topic is the only one I haven’t read about and clearly admitted so but your mental retardation is giving me inspiration.
Start by defining healthcare. Thats as generic of a term as one could possibly use. And you’re using it to cover pharmaceuticals, hospitals, doctors and other professionals, insurers, on and on.
You might as well be yelling at the cosmos.
Given your typical choices of reading, combined with a predetermined opinion looking for validation, you’re better of without looking into it.
You’re the only person I’ve ever run into that somehow ends up dumber the more he “learns”.
She makes coffee look even better.
Man that is so adorable, You actually think they run the show. Well Big Pharma is a very large part of healthcare. Do you ever watch TV? Every other commercial is funded by Pharma. They are quite possibly the largest industry out there. So they might not be the healthcare in totality but they play a central role in the cost, the suffering and even the death of people. Okay, I’ll be more specific, pharma is what I’m talking about.
Purdue killed millions.
I like coffee.
Ok. See? Now we can ignore you cuz you’re an angry moron. Big Parma! DURRRR
I’d be up her fart hole like an aardvark on an anthill.
She looks a lot like my buddys wife.
Are more Americans saved by pharma than by war?
Would you rather fight a bear sized duck or a duck sized bear?