Are Barbell Hip Thrusts Safe?

With bad form (or even with good form), can they cause a spondylolesthesis to develop in your back - where one vertebrae slips over the other due to the sheer stress inherent in the motion?

Has anyone heard of this injury mechanism or been injured by it?

Would it be possible to develop this using 60kg only, and using good form?

I always hesitate to use words like “always” or “never”, however hip thrusts should be VERY safe in regards to spondylolisthesis. Spondylo is the result of shear force and is precipitated by weight-bearing activities. If a person already has or is at risk of developing spondylo, hip thrusts are probably the safest way to strengthen the glutes. The only caution I can think of is to be careful not to extend at the top of the movement. Spondylo’s are typically pretty intolerant of lumbar extension.

Brett Contreras has recently addressed this. His solution is to start with, and maintain a pelvic tilt (anterior). This will counter the problem of overly involving the back extensors, and allow more glute activation.

[quote]BennyHayes wrote:
Brett Contreras has recently addressed this. His solution is to start with, and maintain a pelvic tilt (anterior). This will counter the problem of overly involving the back extensors, and allow more glute activation.[/quote]

Surely you mean posterior pelvic tilt?

Bret says you need to ppt at the top.