Appetite Falling Off

[quote]ty_ty13 wrote:
i’ve not changed any dosing or anything else for that matter. its getting really tough to slam my food. i’m relying on drinking egg whites and drinking whole eggs to get passed a few meals. fuck having to eat so much, so cumbersome.


"quit being a pussy saying that you cant grow. EAT until your full and then eat another plate full. "–ty_ty13

^^funny you made this thread, yet you say this shit on another thread hahaha delete this thread please.

[quote]Jaycuts wrote:


[quote]Jaycuts wrote:


[quote]tattoo’d’popeye wrote:
How is a bulking cycle going to “fuck him up” as you put it? [/quote]

Do you honestly believe skipping a meal or two is going to be detrimental to one’s “bulking” cycle?

Do you honestly think that long-term goals will happen by making oneself sick to their stomach?

Get real! Morons.[/quote]

“sick to their stomach” is a little dramatic…you’d think being on a serious supplement your actions would become serious…thus not being scared to be uncomfortable for a few minutes. I think the tren shrunk youre balls completely. grow a set <>[/quote]

No, but following the likes of your advice over a decade ago made me fat. What a bulk that was!

I never said to not eat but. I don’t see what the problem is to skip a meal or two and add back the calories when one is actually hungry. There is a bigger benefit to doing it this way because eating when one is not hungry is a waste of nutrition. It stores what is not needed at that time as fat as well as contributing to chronic inflammation.

Meatheads can be rather daft sometimes. I know I was.[/quote]

I didn’t give any advice? Way to clarify dick face. maybe if you added oh idk FUCKING CARDIO TO YOURE WORKOUTS you wouldn’t get fat. Get techinical all you want, you’re trolling as much as the OP. [/quote]

You have a reading comprehension problem.

“The likes of your advice” means that you believe in such advice whether it was given by you or not.


[quote]tattoo’d’popeye wrote:
How is a bulking cycle going to “fuck him up” as you put it? [/quote]

Do you honestly believe skipping a meal or two is going to be detrimental to one’s “bulking” cycle?

Do you honestly think that long-term goals will happen by making oneself sick to their stomach?

Get real! Morons.[/quote]

A few days ago you asked a question in the nutrition thread “if eating only when your hungry is ok”. Now you want to troll the steroid thread like your some kind of expert. Fail.

Also you got fat because you lacked the self discipline to stop eating when your bulk ended. You call us morons for using tried true and tested methods. You obviously have never pushed yourself hard in the gym because if you did you would know the importance of not skipping meals. Put 500-600lbs on your back for 4 workouts a week then you will see the importance of not skipping a meal. Your a putz, go back to the nutrition forum and stop trolling about things that you have no clue about!

great mods move the thread before I could finish posting, lol

[quote]tattoo’d’popeye wrote:


[quote]tattoo’d’popeye wrote:
How is a bulking cycle going to “fuck him up” as you put it? [/quote]

Do you honestly believe skipping a meal or two is going to be detrimental to one’s “bulking” cycle?

Do you honestly think that long-term goals will happen by making oneself sick to their stomach?

Get real! Morons.[/quote]

A few days ago you asked a question in the nutrition thread “if eating only when your hungry is ok”. Now you want to troll the steroid thread like your some kind of expert. Fail.

Also you got fat because you lacked the self discipline to stop eating when your bulk ended. You call us morons for using tried true and tested methods. You obviously have never pushed yourself hard in the gym because if you did you would know the importance of not skipping meals. Put 500-600lbs on your back for 4 workouts a week then you will see the importance of not skipping a meal. Your a putz, go back to the nutrition forum and stop trolling about things that you have no clue about![/quote]

I think hunger - once we understand it - can actually be a good barometer of nutrition needs. I don’t think hunger exists for no reason. Same reason why certain foods taste good to us and others do not - because some we were meant to have and some we were not. It’s part of our human intuition - but modern human living has dulled them. These are things I cannot prove but believe.

Now, to get the question of “bulking”, do I think it is necessary to eat more to gain weight? Yes. Of course I do. But do I believe that it is necessary to experience discomfort from eating in order to accomplish it. Of course not! To believe that is MORONIC!

[quote]tattoo’d’popeye wrote:
great mods move the thread before I could finish posting, lol[/quote]


Ty, I’m not one to say “I told you so” but perhaps now you have some perspective. When I hit that appetite wall I switch over strongly to calorie dense (“dirty” if you like) sources. 6000 kcal of chicken and rice is a tall order, not to mention that shit would ruin chicken and rice for you. It may be time to loosen up a bit and make sure you’re getting those cals in. Best of luck dude.

OP, how many calories are you eating a day?

As someone mentioned earlier, add in SS cardio for 20 minutes after lifting. This gets me ravenously hungry.

I get really hungry from lifting heavy. 85%+ 1RM

Now, to get the question of “bulking”, do I think it is necessary to eat more to gain weight? Yes. Of course I do. But do I believe that it is necessary to experience discomfort from eating in order to accomplish it. Of course not! To believe that is MORONIC![/quote]

Occasional discomfort from eating is indeed a requirement when gaining weight(bulking); combined with weight training. Dealing with a loss of appetite is required as well.
While I don’t think there is any harm done by skipping a meal here and there, you should feel ‘guilty’ when you do it, and not let it become a habit.

[quote]incredulous wrote:
Ty, I’m not one to say “I told you so” but perhaps now you have some perspective. When I hit that appetite wall I switch over strongly to calorie dense (“dirty” if you like) sources. 6000 kcal of chicken and rice is a tall order, not to mention that shit would ruin chicken and rice for you. It may be time to loosen up a bit and make sure you’re getting those cals in. Best of luck dude.[/quote]

I like how you’re thinking!

[quote]BlueCollarTr8n wrote:

Now, to get the question of “bulking”, do I think it is necessary to eat more to gain weight? Yes. Of course I do. But do I believe that it is necessary to experience discomfort from eating in order to accomplish it. Of course not! To believe that is MORONIC![/quote]

Occasional discomfort from eating is indeed a requirement when gaining weight(bulking); combined with weight training. Dealing with a loss of appetite is required as well.
While I don’t think there is any harm done by skipping a meal here and there, you should feel ‘guilty’ when you do it, and not let it become a habit.

What percentages of the time should one expect to feel discomfort?

Should discomfort always be ignored or is there a guideline for acceptable “healthy discomfort”?

OP you can eat less hardcore food…a protein shake (they have good egg powders too) would be easier to down than liquid egg whites


[quote]BlueCollarTr8n wrote:

Now, to get the question of “bulking”, do I think it is necessary to eat more to gain weight? Yes. Of course I do. But do I believe that it is necessary to experience discomfort from eating in order to accomplish it. Of course not! To believe that is MORONIC![/quote]

Occasional discomfort from eating is indeed a requirement when gaining weight(bulking); combined with weight training. Dealing with a loss of appetite is required as well.
While I don’t think there is any harm done by skipping a meal here and there, you should feel ‘guilty’ when you do it, and not let it become a habit.

What percentages of the time should one expect to feel discomfort?

Should discomfort always be ignored or is there a guideline for acceptable “healthy discomfort”?[/quote]
The mirror and progress in the gym will be the barometer. Discomfort is part of the process and shouldn’t be avoided, but there’s not need to seek it out for the sake of being badass.

All things in moderation is a good rule of thumb, but if your goals are ambitious then moderation goes right the fuck out the window. If you want to gain 20 pounds you better expect to be uncomfortable every day. Talk to anyone who has put on an impressive amount of weight, with or without drugs, and I bet you’ll get the same response. Any time I’ve put on good weight, 160-180, 180-200, 190-210, I’ve spent most evenings eating so much that it crushed my libido. “I need to go to sleep but I have a quart of milk left to drink.”

Give yourself one day a week to eat whatever; as much or as little as you’d like. That will help keep you sane.

Fasted cardio does give my appetite a boost but I can’t be asked to lose an hour of sleep.

Omg you people are wasting you’re time. If he’s going to bitch about discomfort eating then don’t go on a bulking diet simple as that. Lean out and eat you’re pussy food little girl.

[quote]Jaycuts wrote:
Lean out and eat you’re pussy food little girl.[/quote]

As far as bodybuilding goes, lean people always look more muscular anyway.


let’s make something absolutely clear: challenging dogma is NOT trolling


Next time you ask a question your going to have to end it with: Please reply only if you weight more than 220lbs, have experience bulking while using gear and have actually picked up something heavy in your life, lol. It would have eliminated all the crap and still left you with a few posts that were actually worth a damn.

The Twilights are going to go crazy now… watch

[quote]tattoo’d’popeye wrote:

Next time you ask a question your going to have to end it with: Please reply only if you weight more than 220lbs, have experience bulking while using gear and have actually picked up something heavy in your life, lol. It would have eliminated all the crap and still left you with a few posts that were actually worth a damn.

The Twilights are going to go crazy now… watch[/qu

^Examples like this are poor judgement. If you truley know how to gain size then people will give there thoughts. Doctors give mental advice :wink: