Anyone Use TRT While in the Military?


I wanted to see if there are any military members with low T that had luck getting TRT while in the service and if so how they went about doing it. Also if they were able to do it during basic training, tech school, or if they had to do it discreetly through an online TRT clinic. Thanks for the help.

I HIGHLY doubt you could even get a waiver for something like that. Maybe if you were already in, but I doubt they will take you on TRT.

Don’t lie about it either, you’ll get fucked.

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From what I was told by a flight surgeon, it is just like with insurance, clinical signs and symptoms supported by lab results out of range would be necessary. It’s pretty common for pilots to do it off the record, through private clinics or black market sourcing.

I thought they admin sep’d folks that are dependent on medication (like insulin for example)?

I think that is still the case. At least it was when I was in.

Who knows with the way things are going right now.

When I was in, you couldn’t talk about being gay, and you couldn’t join the Infantry as a woman. (stupidest fucking decision every btw)

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When I was in the US Army, there is no way that you could be on TRT while in training. They wouldn’t even let us have protein in our wall lockers. Now, if you were on TRT with pellets then you would be fine. The military doesn’t test for anabolics. The drug test in the military are just urinalysis. I knew tons of guys on EQ, test and even tren while serving. But, I highly doubt that you could get TRT covered by the military while serving. I know the VA covers it for vets but it’s not much of a program at all. They just mail them test and don’t include an AI.