OK so I am not sure if this is the right place to ask or not. My roommate is trying to get me to take testosterone injections to help build muscle. I am not even sure if just testosterone is even considered a steroid. Now my issue is that I am in the National Guard, and get randomly drug tested from time to time.
Will taking testosterone injections show up on an US Army drug test? I am sorry if this has been ask before.
No it won’t show up on a drug test. They would have to do a test/epi test which is expensive. I can’t tell you if they test for gear or not but if its a standard piss test their looking for narcotics and testosterone will not show up.
OIF Vet here, 6 years active duty. Unless you display overly agressive behavior (beating the shit out of people, MP’s picking you up, belligerence, insubordination, etc.) the Army will not test you specifically. Now if you give them a reason (problems with chain of command, always in trouble, etc.) and they have noticed that you jumped up in weight rapidly and you’re an overnight dud to stud then they may pull a blood panel.
There were specific guys in my unit that juiced heavily and frequently. To be honest I don’t think they even followed a true cycle. None of them were ever “busted”. A couple of them had their gear confiscated during health and welfare inspections but no legal action was taken. I don’t think they even got a counseling statement.
Now mind you, these were also good dudes. They were top soldiers, smart and personable. They new their jobs in and out and were well like by everyone, not just the chain of command. Most everyone would make comments, “nice muscles there juicehead” type comments but like I said, their personal choices were never questioned or made an issue. It really depends on your position politically.
If you are a shitty soldier that can’t pass his PT test and you think juicing is going to transform you, forget about it. If you’re just a good soldier, already good at PT and still hit the gym every night because you like it, then go for it. The gym was my safe haven while I was on active duty. That was my place to go and just focus on myself and it kept me out of a lot of trouble while on AD (Active Duty).
Before you decide to start darksidin’ on AD, you may want to do a little introspection and decide if it’s really right for you in your situation.
[quote]SIM37 wrote:
I smell a troll but I’m gonna go ahead.
OIF Vet here, 6 years active duty. Unless you display overly agressive behavior (beating the shit out of people, MP’s picking you up, belligerence, insubordination, etc.) the Army will not test you specifically. Now if you give them a reason (problems with chain of command, always in trouble, etc.) and they have noticed that you jumped up in weight rapidly and you’re an overnight dud to stud then they may pull a blood panel.
There were specific guys in my unit that juiced heavily and frequently. To be honest I don’t think they even followed a true cycle. None of them were ever “busted”. A couple of them had their gear confiscated during health and welfare inspections but no legal action was taken. I don’t think they even got a counseling statement.
Now mind you, these were also good dudes. They were top soldiers, smart and personable. They new their jobs in and out and were well like by everyone, not just the chain of command. Most everyone would make comments, “nice muscles there juicehead” type comments but like I said, their personal choices were never questioned or made an issue. It really depends on your position politically.
If you are a shitty soldier that can’t pass his PT test and you think juicing is going to transform you, forget about it. If you’re just a good soldier, already good at PT and still hit the gym every night because you like it, then go for it. The gym was my safe haven while I was on active duty. That was my place to go and just focus on myself and it kept me out of a lot of trouble while on AD (Active Duty).
Before you decide to start darksidin’ on AD, you may want to do a little introspection and decide if it’s really right for you in your situation.[/quote]
X2 My unit wouldnt test for gear unless you were caught in possesion of aas. pretty sure the national guard does not differ much.
[quote]Thisguy123456 wrote:
OK so I am not sure if this is the right place to ask or not. My roommate is trying to get me to take testosterone injections to help build muscle. I am not even sure if just testosterone is even considered a steroid. Now my issue is that I am in the National Guard, and get randomly drug tested from time to time.
Will taking testosterone injections show up on an US Army drug test? I am sorry if this has been ask before. [/quote]
They do not test for test. Dbol, deca, sometimes.
Just test is hard to determine.
Now, they might test for anciallaries like HCG and adex.
Toothisguy: Don’t concern yourself.The drug test protocal require’s a reasonable cause.The arbitrary search,and search is what it’s called is a direct liolation of your legal right’s The drug’s that your employer is concerned about is illisit street drug’s.The testing for Testosterone is very complicated,as it’s a ratio measured against estrogen.Also other variables like your age,etc.I work in correction’s and actually,im one of the first respondwer’s in case of a cell extraction.Keep your business private,as some (RAT) can make it an issue and then it may be a problem.Remember keep your juice-life your business. all the best john
[quote]johnny k53 wrote:
Toothisguy: Don’t concern yourself.The drug test protocal require’s a reasonable cause.The arbitrary search,and search is what it’s called is a direct liolation of your legal right’s The drug’s that your employer is concerned about is illisit street drug’s.The testing for Testosterone is very complicated,as it’s a ratio measured against estrogen.Also other variables like your age,etc.I work in correction’s and actually,im one of the first respondwer’s in case of a cell extraction.Keep your business private,as some (RAT) can make it an issue and then it may be a problem.Remember keep your juice-life your business. all the best john[/quote]
Rogue Vampire, is that you???
You are a Canadian expert in US military policy and laws? Interesting…you are quite the swinging dick online–your e-credentials are huge!
LOL @ arbitrary searches being a violation of “legal rights” for a military member
“The testing for Testosterone is very complicated,as it’s a ratio measured against estrogen”. LOMFL. What on Earth are you even trying to say here? You know that the T:E test is not a test of Testosterone:Estrogen, right?
You are truly are the most clueless member T-Nation has ever seen.
[quote]SIM37 wrote:
I smell a troll but I’m gonna go ahead.
OIF Vet here, 6 years active duty. Unless you display overly agressive behavior (beating the shit out of people, MP’s picking you up, belligerence, insubordination, etc.) the Army will not test you specifically. Now if you give them a reason (problems with chain of command, always in trouble, etc.) and they have noticed that you jumped up in weight rapidly and you’re an overnight dud to stud then they may pull a blood panel.
There were specific guys in my unit that juiced heavily and frequently. To be honest I don’t think they even followed a true cycle. None of them were ever “busted”. A couple of them had their gear confiscated during health and welfare inspections but no legal action was taken. I don’t think they even got a counseling statement.
Now mind you, these were also good dudes. They were top soldiers, smart and personable. They new their jobs in and out and were well like by everyone, not just the chain of command. Most everyone would make comments, “nice muscles there juicehead” type comments but like I said, their personal choices were never questioned or made an issue. It really depends on your position politically.
If you are a shitty soldier that can’t pass his PT test and you think juicing is going to transform you, forget about it. If you’re just a good soldier, already good at PT and still hit the gym every night because you like it, then go for it. The gym was my safe haven while I was on active duty. That was my place to go and just focus on myself and it kept me out of a lot of trouble while on AD (Active Duty).
Before you decide to start darksidin’ on AD, you may want to do a little introspection and decide if it’s really right for you in your situation.[/quote]
Thanks for the answer. Ya I’m good on my PT test got a 270 on my last one. I just want to try this to add an extra boost.
[quote]johnny k53 wrote:
Toothisguy: Don’t concern yourself.The drug test protocal require’s a reasonable cause.The arbitrary search,and search is what it’s called is a direct liolation of your legal right’s The drug’s that your employer is concerned about is illisit street drug’s.The testing for Testosterone is very complicated,as it’s a ratio measured against estrogen.Also other variables like your age,etc.I work in correction’s and actually,im one of the first respondwer’s in case of a cell extraction.Keep your business private,as some (RAT) can make it an issue and then it may be a problem.Remember keep your juice-life your business. all the best john[/quote]
Rogue Vampire, is that you???
You are a Canadian expert in US military policy and laws? Interesting…you are quite the swinging dick online–your e-credentials are huge!
LOL @ arbitrary searches being a violation of “legal rights” for a military member
“The testing for Testosterone is very complicated,as it’s a ratio measured against estrogen”. LOMFL. What on Earth are you even trying to say here? You know that the T:E test is not a test of Testosterone:Estrogen, right?
You are truly are the most clueless member T-Nation has ever seen.[/quote]
LOL i didnt even catch that. U.S. millitary are subject to search of person property etc. anytime day, night, early as fuck in the morning. Alot of “rights” are waived when you sign the dotted line. He sounds like he was also a former jag officer.
[quote]johnny k53 wrote:
Toothisguy: Don’t concern yourself.The drug test protocal require’s a reasonable cause.The arbitrary search,and search is what it’s called is a direct liolation of your legal right’s The drug’s that your employer is concerned about is illisit street drug’s.The testing for Testosterone is very complicated,as it’s a ratio measured against estrogen.Also other variables like your age,etc.I work in correction’s and actually,im one of the first respondwer’s in case of a cell extraction.Keep your business private,as some (RAT) can make it an issue and then it may be a problem.Remember keep your juice-life your business. all the best john[/quote]
Rogue Vampire, is that you???
You are a Canadian expert in US military policy and laws? Interesting…you are quite the swinging dick online–your e-credentials are huge!
LOL @ arbitrary searches being a violation of “legal rights” for a military member
“The testing for Testosterone is very complicated,as it’s a ratio measured against estrogen”. LOMFL. What on Earth are you even trying to say here? You know that the T:E test is not a test of Testosterone:Estrogen, right?
You are truly are the most clueless member T-Nation has ever seen.[/quote]
My Friend.Why all the argumentative responses. Your right i’m not an American military person. I am an Ex 4-year canadian veteran (No THeatre experience) theatre mean’s active combat. The way testosterone is checked is like Bud’s said.It’s a epi/ratio. Testosterone is not a static hormone,it’s a hormone in flux.The reason Dr’s ask a patient to get in a (BLOOD TEST in the morning) is because testosterone is at it’s highest in the morning.
I work as a correctional officer?jail guard. An inmate can REFUSE!!! a drug test and it’s not persued without probable cause/suspicion. The man in the national guard has civil right’s.The employer can with reason ask the employee to take a drug test.In the Ministry of correctioal services in Ontario,Canada. The test for Steroid’s goe’s not exist!!!
The police,and other law agencie’s have plenty of Men on testosterone.Why the Fuck give a hard working health employee a arbitrary and caprricious test for a God givin hormone that is naturally in high level’s in 15-25 year old men,moreover some studie’s think teenager’s produce 300mg’s per week natural.The average is 7-12mg’s a day for a middle aged man.
Respond Mr.Balla with some constructive useful information to help the man in question. I can’t understand your juvenile/childest attitude.Please be a desent human being.WE are on this forum to be helpful.not shit disturber’s.
have a wonderful day and train hard. your’s truly john kelly
I dont know why your informing us of your countries law system but Canadian laws or correctional inmates have absolutely zero to do with American armed forces laws and rights. While enlisted in the US Military you give up MANY of your civil liberties, search and seizure 24/7 without cause is one of the many.
Our bodies don’t belong to us they belong to Uncle Sam as long as your enlisted and they will test, take and install whatever they damn well please. Try refusing a drug or alcohol test and your ass will get hauled to medical, restrained and blood will be extracted from you.
[quote]tattoo’d’popeye wrote:
I dont know why your informing us of your countries law system but Canadian laws or correctional inmates have absolutely zero to do with American armed forces laws and rights. While enlisted in the US Military you give up MANY of your civil liberties, search and seizure 24/7 without cause is one of the many.
Our bodies don’t belong to us they belong to Uncle Sam as long as your enlisted and they will test, take and install whatever they damn well please. Try refusing a drug or alcohol test and your ass will get hauled to medical, restrained and blood will be extracted from you.
[quote]tattoo’d’popeye wrote:
I dont know why your informing us of your countries law system but Canadian laws or correctional inmates have absolutely zero to do with American armed forces laws and rights. While enlisted in the US Military you give up MANY of your civil liberties, search and seizure 24/7 without cause is one of the many.
Our bodies don’t belong to us they belong to Uncle Sam as long as your enlisted and they will test, take and install whatever they damn well please. Try refusing a drug or alcohol test and your ass will get hauled to medical, restrained and blood will be extracted from you.
Cant even get sun burned! I used to think that was a barracks lawyer BS story till i saw someone get an article 15 for it while deployed lol