was wondering if any of you's could tell me what anabolic steriods you could take while you are in the navy and a flyer with out getting in trouble for taking it and if any one nows of any could tell me a good cycle to take to bulk up on.
thank you this is not for me but a friend, but if it works out for him i might follow pursuit all info would be helpfull thanks.
zero, and don’t even bother trying. Your government is so anti-steroid that if you were ever caught, you would be in a lot of trouble. Don’t forget also loose lips sink ships, and in the Navy anybody who didn’t like you and found out would certainly squeal. That’s just how things are.
Besides you may not be able to fit into your cockpit after the first cycle. That would be not a good thing!
I personally had to co-sign the discharge papers for some hot-headed young enlisted kid who was on more gear than a Swedish farmer. I felt like such a hypocrite, having myself done a number of cycles. It’s very much illegal, and it’s very easy to get caught.
Do not do it. I had a pal who ordered some and he was discharged, mind you he never actually used them but the intention was there. He was bulking up in preparation to go to flight school, poor guy he was a lifer too.
Once again dont do it, unless of course you believe its worth it.
This is one case where I say you should stick to OTC supps for your goals…Might not be “real gear”, but will get the job done until you ETS…After all, you people are not a buch of lardasses to begin with, so you will see results fairly quick…Airborne!
I would be very hesitant to take or possess illegal drugs while in the military. I’ve just heard too many sad stories about getting caught.
It’s always boggled my mind that the military comes down so hard on shit like this- drug testing, turning down applicants with a juvenile record, etc. Whereas high-paying professional service jobs tend to not drug test, never make you sign a waiver to release you juvenile record, and typically don’t even check the basic facts you put on your resume.
i truely was asking for a friend bc he told me he took winnie v tabs before and he didnt get cought and he was wondering what other steriods he could take.
[quote]hazarddude334 wrote:
i truely was asking for a friend bc he told me he took winnie v tabs before and he didnt get cought and he was wondering what other steriods he could take.[/quote]
Your scenario doesn’t sound plausible. Someone with the education level of a Navy Pilot would know that doing a cycle of steroids would be equivalent to smoking a joint or snorting coke in the militaries eyes and they would be drummed out quicker then they could snap to attention if caught. Although, now that I think of it there was one Air Force Captain I knew of who routinely did cycles and competed nationally. I think most officers wouldn’t dream of it though too much to risk.
[quote]Pinto wrote:
I would be very hesitant to take or possess illegal drugs while in the military. I’ve just heard too many sad stories about getting caught.
It’s always boggled my mind that the military comes down so hard on shit like this- drug testing, turning down applicants with a juvenile record, etc. Whereas high-paying professional service jobs tend to not drug test, never make you sign a waiver to release you juvenile record, and typically don’t even check the basic facts you put on your resume. [/quote]
It does seem odd but i think the logic is that the military is a gov’t entity and the gov’t is obligated to upkeep it’s own laws.
Most corporations are owned in the private sector and as long as employees are producing positive results, employers don’t care a whole lot about personal decisions.
If it’s “so easy to get busted” why the fuck do we have guy’s like Chief Leo Ingram(an IFBB pro) working at the shipyard with me in hawaii. People are clueless as to what people can and can’t do with steroids. 99% of people think if you’re big you must just work out 6 hours a day.
Besides, AAS is not screened for in a standard urinalyisis. It has to be ordered as a seperate test to get sent to UCLA for analysis. It’s too expensive to do on a regular basis, so it has to be requested by your Commanding officer.
Most commands are so big you never even meet your CO. The only way you’d even draw attention to yourself is if you got caught with it or got in trouble to draw attention to yourself.
90% of the navy is full of fat, lazy bastards anyway. The only people who have a clue about steroids are other steroid users.I get people in my office every day asking “Did arnold ever use steroids?”
The navy is happy as long as you pass your PT tests and don’t have alcohol related incidents.
lol true about alcohol and im part of a squadron.
so i have seen my co and talked to my xo for a mintue or two before. and my co when i first checked in and hes a small little guy in hieght but pretty strong.
[quote]Manwich wrote:
LMAO @ the responses in this thread.
If it’s “so easy to get busted” why the fuck do we have guy’s like Chief Leo Ingram(an IFBB pro) working at the shipyard with me in hawaii. People are clueless as to what people can and can’t do with steroids. 99% of people think if you’re big you must just work out 6 hours a day.
Besides, AAS is not screened for in a standard urinalyisis. It has to be ordered as a seperate test to get sent to UCLA for analysis. It’s too expensive to do on a regular basis, so it has to be requested by your Commanding officer.
Most commands are so big you never even meet your CO. The only way you’d even draw attention to yourself is if you got caught with it or got in trouble to draw attention to yourself.
90% of the navy is full of fat, lazy bastards anyway. The only people who have a clue about steroids are other steroid users.I get people in my office every day asking “Did arnold ever use steroids?”
The navy is happy as long as you pass your PT tests and don’t have alcohol related incidents.[/quote]
True they don’t typically test for it like the random drug piss tests, but if they have a suspicion they will order a test for steroid use. Many guys have been discharged for it even though some like your Chief and the Air Force Captain I spoke of get away with it. I stand by my assertion that most officers especially pilots who have a lot invested in their careers wouldn’t risk so much, but there are always exceptions.
It’s just too much to risk. I had a former squad leader who was cycling, and yeah, he got away with it, but that was in Iraq. Here stateside (CONUS) it’s a different story, and with how certain jobs are being shifted for others, I wouldn’t risk it.
Like I said. Loose lips sink ships. If you are at all career orientated, you have to keep your laces straight. There will always be other’s gunning for your promotion, and after all that is really what it’s all about, working your way up the chain.
Huge difference between working in a shipyard, and flying. - These guys are screwtinized very closely, especially if you are at all interested in flying the high performance type fighter aircraft and helicopters…