Anyone use a Cambered Bar?

We have one of these bars with collared padding in the squat/DL areas in our gym and only have seen one person use it so far. (doing back squats) I guess it could used for “good mornings” and lunges as well.

Any fans of the Cambered Bar?

Why not?

Seems a worthy apparatus.

I love the one at my gym. Works great if you are having shoulder issues, want to focus on your lower back a little more , or just want to change things up. It is also good for doing increased ROM bench press. However from what you said I think you might be talking about a safety squat bar not a cambered bar.

I used to use them for behind the back shrugs to get clearance from my glutes.

[quote]Davinci.v2 wrote:
I used to use them for behind the back shrugs to get clearance from my glutes.[/quote]

Yeah, I can’t see that I’d use them for anything other than shrugs. I think it’d throw me off using it for anything else, at least initially.

Deadlifts for long legged lifters. When I was deadlifting it was the only bar I could use.

[quote]bluerock wrote:
We have one of these bars with collared padding in the squat/DL areas in our gym and only have seen one person use it so far. (doing back squats) I guess it could used for “good mornings” and lunges as well.

Any fans of the Cambered Bar?


if you’re talking about the one that comes pre-padded with a slot for your neck/head, then that’s the Safety Squat bar. And it’s fantastic for squats, and good mornings as well.

The cambered bar has no padding on it, just looks like a bar that got bent. It is also fantastic although my gym does not have one. I think this is more comfortable for goodmornings and squats than the SSB but I think the SSB has a better “chaotic” utility to it, and it definitely makes you work harder due to the bad leverage compared to a straight bar.

Both the Saftey Squat bar and the Giant Cambered bar are great for goodmornings