I was thinking for my next cycle to up the dose a bit and try something simple–test only. I’m currently doing 800mg test e and 400mg masteron e. I was thinking next cycle test e at 2000-3000mg/wk (not sure if 3g is necessary, but with just test I’m not sure if it would be different than stacking).
I figure it’s safe (barring possibly blood pressure), cheap, and easy, and I’ve never gone over 1200mg/wk of test. Anyone have experience with higher-dose test-only cycles?
With the test blend were you able to make a higher concentration gear? I figure with ethyl oleate (I’ve heard good things), and possibly a test blend (though I’ll probably just keep it test e as I have a bunch of that), I can get 400-500mg/ml.
I used guaiacol to make 500mg/ml once with no cosolvent, but it hurt like a mother and left a large knot (apparently guaiacol is used in prolotherapy).
As an aside: how’d you guys get into homebrewing? I’ve read a little about it and, while it looks interesting, I realize that I’m no chemist and would probably F myself up bad…one little mistake, WHAM!!
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
I’m sure you know how the length of the fatty acid chain (the ester) determines solubility in oil and the ratios of cosolvent needed.
Also, since different esters cannot ‘see’ each other when dissolved in the oil (to a certain extent I guess, otherwise you could have the max of each ester, i.e. 100mg/ml of prop plus 150iso plus 250 enan plus 300cyp, plus 400deca, giving a total of 1200mg/ml), I figured that the highest concentration gear that would still be painless would have to be a multi ester product, not using prop.
I don’t like multiestered gear, but since I planned on shooting ED, it mattered not.
I suspect that EO would give you further possibilities though.
Oh yeah, and I used 2%BA and 20%BB for this.
wouldn’t that be like negative .1 mL of oil (i’m playing along here). the highest painless i have made is 200 TD, 100TE, and 100 TC.
As Bushy said, it gets boring pretty quickly, and the difficulty is on par with making dinner. Once the novelty passes it’s more of a chore, but there is a satisfaction knowing that I can make my own stuff, it’s cheap, and I know what’s in it.
Plus there is more variety available in powders than most people have through labs or dealers. I’ve also never had a sterility issue, and I started brewing not long after Bushy. I just use .22um filters and never heat my gear.
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
I’m sure you know how the length of the fatty acid chain (the ester) determines solubility in oil and the ratios of cosolvent needed.
Also, since different esters cannot ‘see’ each other when dissolved in the oil (to a certain extent I guess, otherwise you could have the max of each ester, i.e. 100mg/ml of prop plus 150iso plus 250 enan plus 300cyp, plus 400deca, giving a total of 1200mg/ml), I figured that the highest concentration gear that would still be painless would have to be a multi ester product, not using prop.
I don’t like multiestered gear, but since I planned on shooting ED, it mattered not.
I suspect that EO would give you further possibilities though.
Oh yeah, and I used 2%BA and 20%BB for this.
Did you actually make this? I’d imagine you’re speculating about the 1200mg/ml. What was yours?
[quote]Schwarzenegger wrote:
I was thinking for my next cycle to up the dose a bit and try something simple–test only. I’m currently doing 800mg test e and 400mg masteron e. I was thinking next cycle test e at 2000-3000mg/wk (not sure if 3g is necessary, but with just test I’m not sure if it would be different than stacking).
I figure it’s safe (barring possibly blood pressure), cheap, and easy, and I’ve never gone over 1200mg/wk of test. Anyone have experience with higher-dose test-only cycles?[/quote]
Going from 1200mg a week to 3000mg a week is quite a leap. A 250% increase in gear is bound to have effects perhaps not all of which are desired. Even if you just went to 2G a week that’s a pretty substantial increase considering your at 800Test/400Mast now.
It sort of leads back to what some of the other vets have been asking lately. Do we need all this gear. I personally have also never exceeded 1200mg a week but a few guys who have crossed the 2G a week plain say its not that much better in terms of gains, but the sides are much more apparent.
IMO if you went from 800Test/400Mast to say 1500Test. I think that might be a decent way to gauge what Test only does.
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Schwarzenegger wrote:
bushidobadboy wrote:
So you never heat your gear… must take a lot of time and effort to get the hormone to dissolve, no?
I heat on the stove top to dissolve, but I don’t bake my gear for sterilization.
Ah OK. I’m the same, only I use the oven, not the stove top.
I have it fairly warm, to speed up the filtering process, but I definitely don’t bake it. No point, when you’re gonna filter out any bugs, spores, etc anyway.
PS - I used to have a hotplate with inbuilt magnetic stirrer. It was awesome. It broke.[/quote]
Back in the day I jacked one from my school…it worked great. Hmm granted I was using if for different chemicals back then…
[quote]sapasion wrote:
Going from 1200mg a week to 3000mg a week is quite a leap. A 250% increase in gear is bound to have effects perhaps not all of which are desired. Even if you just went to 2G a week that’s a pretty substantial increase considering your at 800Test/400Mast now.
It sort of leads back to what some of the other vets have been asking lately. Do we need all this gear. I personally have also never exceeded 1200mg a week but a few guys who have crossed the 2G a week plain say its not that much better in terms of gains, but the sides are much more apparent.
IMO if you went from 800Test/400Mast to say 1500Test. I think that might be a decent way to gauge what Test only does.[/quote]
I’ve gone up to 2000mg/wk before. My current cycle is more of a leaning out cycle, which doesn’t need very high doses. The 3000mg/wk would be a serious bulk. I’m all about not needing a lot of gear. With sufficient time off I’m sure I would never need to go over 1500mg/wk, maybe 2000 at most.
I asked about this to see if there was a distinct difference and to get an idea of what to expect. It might not do much, but I’m still debating giving it a go. I likely wouldn’t make it a regular thing, but I’m an experimentalist.
I too have been curious as to what straight Test would do. I have only done straight test once. It was a couple years ago with the classic starter of 500mg a week for 10 weeks.
Last cycle was 750ew Cyp 450ew Deca with a month of dbol to kickstart.
Even before your post I was pondering what 1500mg a week for 3 months would do for me. As prices have changed Tren is getting a bit pricey [I know its worth its weight in gold] and frankly even some of my other favs like Deca are making straight Test look good from an economics standpoint.
Sapasion, I’m glad you mentioned this. I’ve taken up to 2g/wk total androgens, but only maxed at 1g/wk of testosterone. I’m curious as to what 3g/wk of good ol’ T will do, not 3g/wk of a mix. Looking at pro-bodybuilder cycles, they tend to load up on one or two compounds like 4g/wk test and 2g/wk deca, at least off-season when more exotic compounds are not necessary. I’m sure there’s a reason for this.
And yes, tren is getting expensive. I thought about going back to cattle pellets, but even then it’s like $20/g, which isn’t quite worth it just yet. I figure once fakes start coming back to the market, prices skyrocket, or I lose my sources that I’ll use them as a last resort. I’m sure there will be cattle as long as I live.
a test only cycle would be great at 750 mg/week IMO. actually, i ran a 10 weeker with cyp last year at that exact dose, and was pleased.
on the “less is more” theme. my current cycle was well over 2 g’s of gear for the first 9-10 weeks, with 1600 mg of it being Test E…and i felt like shit the whole time. dropped the dosage down to 800 test E, 200 mast E, with 75 mg tren EOD and 40 mg winny ED over the last 5 weeks…and i feel much much better and am making better gains sice.