Hey guys,
I’m quite near the end here of the 4 week shorty run of testphenylprop/masteron. It’s been a great ride, again though, sides have raised their head towards the end after upping the dose a tad.
Now I can’t remember the exact ratio, Bushy could help here, but I think it was one third or so of masteron, to the rest of the test. So, whilst running 400mg total, and adex at .25, up to .5mg a day, there were no sides at all.
Therefore, my tolerance level for test seems to be at or around 270-300mg per week. Yeah that sucks I know. I figured the adex would handle things, but it’s either underdosed,(very doubtful/good source), or I’m just that sensitive.
Last Wednesday, I upped the ante on the quad shot from .5, to around 1.25ml. Friday went with approx the same, 1.25ml, and by sometime over the weekend or Monday, the nips were taking a beating from the gyno fairy. Nothing crazy, but some slight pain, def harder and so I have since increased adex to .75/day, and started running nolva at 40mg/day. I threw in the nolva since there are only 3 more days left, and wanted to take care of currently circulating estro.
So, here's the predicament. I want to design a longer estered cycle, duration 12 weeks, and am not sure what to do about our favorite "base", good ol test.
I don’t want to be playing back and forth with the nips, though they still look and feel ok. So, I could go with a small amount of test,(side free range), and mix in some other items, or leave it out altogether with a well designed protocol.
The possible suspects would be:
- Masteron enan
- Eq
- Tren enan
- Primo
- Test (under400/week)
I have aquired a 4 week supply of drol/winnie, which is waiting in the wings for either a solo run, or a nice addition to anything that comes up.
Now the tren would have the cloud of Prolactin induced gyno staring me in the face, which in light of the situation, doesn't feel all too cozy, but I imagine a low end dose would be fairly ok, and it is such a wicked compound for hardening etc.
So, what do you guys think about this?
p.s. I’m looking to harden/lean up at this point with regards to diet.