[quote]Reed wrote:
Personally I go off of total net mg. In general in my my preps I try aim for 1500-2000mg of gear the majority of the run. Can jump as high as 2500 if and when orals are introduced. This run I changed up from my original plan which was to run to a stupid high amount and after just a few weeks can tell its not worth it to me. Feel horrible, lethargic, Test Flu (which havent had in forever), and joints are hurting from using an AI. I have completely given up on high dose test cycles. I hate them. So I lowered my total net gear and doubled my Tren. Love Tren and nothing treats me as nicely.
250mg Test
1000mg Tren (yes I know let’s see what happens)
600mg EQ
Total Net 1950 and it will pretty much stay here until last 10 days where I’ll add in some Halo about 20-30mg a day no way I could run the dose of it your talking about.
In general
500-1000mg of Gear a week Total including orals
1000-2000mg including orals
2000-4000mg including orals
Fucking Retarded
4000 plus including orals. If your doing this you better be a world record holder or something. I know guys and have talked to some pro powerlifter running this in Test alone during meet preps so it is not uncommon.
This also does not take into account GH, Peptides, or Insulin use. All of which can make the drugs you run more effective.
I don’t know who you are but at the doses your running I hope your atleast an honest advanced lifter 1500 at 220 kind of guy at least which sounds like you are. [/quote]
Hey man awesome input! Really appreciate it.
Yes mate I hold my current Feds Deadlift WR and going for the total WR, Squat WR and bench WR this year at 220 class. Pulled 700lb at under 198 and 750 under 220
My whole thing is start at a moderate dose and only bump if I feel like I need to, I never go straight in at the top doses I want to run + always run a peak 4 weeks prior to meet where I doses are highest. Like I said before the most I have ran was 1300mg net total - exactly same as above minus the EQ so just thinking of adding the EQ to a cycle I’ve ran numerous times and I know makes me feel super human as this time I’ll be on a small calorie deficit for the first 8 weeks rather than surplus, that’s what takes me over that 2000mg barrier.
I’m sceptical of the halo I’ve used in the past being under dosed but run some A****P***** halo at 40mg and that stuff really kicked in harder then the previous I used.