Anyone take Liquid Alpha-GPC in their Carry-On for Travel?

I also posted a similiar post in the over 35 lifter section for liquid arimidex, but it got me curious as to how everyone packs liquids for aircraft travel.

The TSA rules, as I understand them, indicate a maximum of 100 ml of liquid can be taken with you carry-on as long as you declare it. I have always just taken the Alpha-GPC capsules with me when on travel and have not bothered with any thing liquid to avoid any potential hassles at the airport. But for me, the capsules just don’t do it for me like the liquid version of Alpha-GPC.

Now, I suppose folks have packed the liquid Alpha-GPC with their checked in luggage, but I don’t check my luggage in; I do carry on these days due to some bad experiences with luggage being lost, etc.

Any suggestions? I’m sure I’m missing something really obvious or am too darn paranoid.

I had thought about this a bit for when I head south to Texas for a week. Not so much the issue of liquids, though there is that, but the issue of carrying white powder supplements in baggies in my luggage. My current strategy is to mail everything a couple of weeks ahead of time. I have this option because I am visiting my parents but I could image you could mail stuff to the hotel if that is what you need to do. You would need to check with the hotel ahead of times and have them hold it for you.

Perhaps you need to ask yourself, Does the benefit of taking the liquid rather than capsule form outweigh the stress this induces?

As long as it is in a quart size baggy with your other stuff it should be okay. I had a 4 oz can of deodorant that they let through when I traveled in March. I guess it depends on whether you want to risk having it taken. At the worst, they will probably just take it.

Yeah I think the original bottling arises more suspicion then anything if they did take a look at your carry-on items, but come to think of it this rarely goes past seeing them under the x-ray machine.

Potential side effect, x-rays + Alpha-GPC = superhero?

I would pour some into a 3.4-oz bottle or smaller(the maximum size if I remember right) and put it in my trusty quart Ziploc bag. Some screeners would let the original size bottle go (4+ oz), but some are, um, sticklers and would confiscate it.

I’ve also traveled with lots of powders in labeled Ziploc bags (protein, Surge) and have never had a problem or question with them.

[quote]andersons wrote:
I’ve also traveled with lots of powders in labeled Ziploc bags (protein, Surge) and have never had a problem or question with them. [/quote]
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, I’ve gotten all sorts of crap through carry on security.

Sprint spikes, hockey skates, bags and bags of white, neon yellow, off white, and brown powders. Bags and bags of ambiguous capsules. Chicken, beef, sweet potatoes, fruit, nuts. One time I even had a tupperware container of frozen chili, that passed inspection to bring on. I label all my supps though, so if I catch any flak, I can at least tell them it’s; “protein, gatorade, fish oil, ZMA, vitamin D etc etc.” so I’m not caught off guard, or they can’t make any claims over ambiguity.

In theory, if something is NOT on the restricted list, it should not be a problem to bring it. Last I checked, powders are NOT on the restricted list in any way, so I don’t know why people worry about them so much.

People also seem surprised that you can bring guns and ammo in checked baggage, but check the regs; they’re allowed.

That said, if a retarded security screener decides to confiscate something not on the restricted list, there is basically no recourse.

I’m going away in a week, and intend to bring all my ‘goodies’ with me, but I’m just counting on everything going through just fine in my checked luggage. I would think that something in its original packaging would arouse less suspicion than a bag filed with white powder, or a tupperware with clear liquid in it.

As I can’t really pack the full containers of ANACONDA and MAG-10 (take up too much space), I’m just pre-measuring a couple scoops of each into sandwich size ziplock bags. I figure with the accompanying FINiBARs, an unopened Alpha-GPC, bottle of Flameout, and my Curcumin 500, they’ll just think “ah,… one’a dem dere meat-head types”.