Anyone Read Natural Bodybuilding Mags?

I ran across one at Barnes and Noble the other day and it was interesting. It actually had one article that recommended that you spend time in the Sun naked, because having the Sun hit your body, especially your nuts increased Testosterone.

I can’t say that I am about to do that anytime soon, but it was interesting.

So, any Mags out there that you actually read?


Just remember to get some lotion on there…sunburnt nuts are a terrible thing.

As for reading those mags, can’t say I do. Now, natural BREAST mags…that’s a whole different topic.

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen any natural bodybuilding mags at B&N or Border’s. Just the usual fare…

seen it before, I think its kind of well, gay actually.

Anyhoot, I would keep the sun away from your nutts at all costs. Any increase in test would be neglible at best and not worth the risk of UV ray damage and possible skin cancer.