I’m following the exact workout in this article and I’m eating about
237g Protein per day
450g Carbs
130g Fat
I’m wondering what peoples opinions are on it as I want to pack on some more size with a new plan as I seem to have stalled from my last training cycle.
Doesn’t look like you’re following the program correctly to me. You’re hitting your RP rep goal for the entire set before you even do your first pause.
You also shouldn’t have two chest exercises on day 1.
Are you not changing out movements when you stop progressing in them?
How I understood it was say for shoulders I’d go for 30, stop, 10 deep breaths then go again try to reach 30, get say 22 and so on and so fourth.
Going to every 4-6 weeks.
Logging, adding more weight or striving for more reps.
Sorry if I come accross abit stupid but I don’t know what you mean, Do you mean that I’m to do the higher rep ranges as a warm up for x amount of sets then go into the working sets?
Yeah, I think you misunderstood. You’re supposed to get 30 total reps for the RP set. So you’d do 15 reps, pause, do 10 more, pause, then do 5 reps. You’re doing almost twice as many reps as prescribed.
That’s also the high end of the rep range, so after you get 30 total reps on the RP set, you’d increase the weight and start working back to 30 total reps again with that heavier weight.
I think you need to go over to intense muscle and read the stickies about 5 times through. There’s a lot wrong with just your two example workouts that show you don’t have the basics down.
Yeah looks like you’re running to low of weight. A DC set should look like this. If 30 reps is the target
15 rest 8-10 rest 3-5
If you’re getting 30 reps in the first set you aren’t using enough resistance.
Next time that lift is up you try to beat your previous workout with reps. So if you decline bench 315 and you RP sets were :14-7-4 that’s 25 reps total. Next week you try to get 26 total reps. Until you hit 30 then add weight to the lift to make it more difficult. Hope this helps. If not I wasted my time!!
I think you’re better in range there. If you’re over 35 (I believe it’s 35) he raises the rep range and lowers the weight a bit. I ran this program a few years ago so I’d have to brush up on the rep guidelines for that.
I suppose you only used those numbers as examples, as you shouldn’t be able to pick them out a day before as you are supposed to go to technical failure on each miniset
Try to hold the stretches for as long as you can, if it’s only 20 seconds, you’re using too much weight. You should get to 40 seconds minimum, and if you can do that, you can do a full minute
Do the back stretch after deadlifting, and with deadlifts I would do one set of 9-12 followed by a heavier set of 6-9
You should check out intensemuscle’s pound puppy forum and read the stickies there, it’ll clear a lot of things out
Also, how come you’re doing session A1 two times in a row? You’re supposed to rotate between three different A and B workout to avoid stalling.