is there any benefit in terms of muscle building to keep flexing your muscles in between sets?
Arnold used to flex in between sets because he said it pumped more blood into the muscle he was working, causing more stimulation.
As a sidenote, try to flex discreetly, so people in your gym don’t think your a retard/show-off. Just a thought.
Absolutely! Arnold also used to practice fascia stretching in between sets, which requires you to stretch the fascia until it’s almost unbearably painful, then flex the same muscles as hard as possible. The size of the fascia limits the size of the muscle inside, so I would definitely recommend this practice.
Also, flexing does bring more blood into the muscle tissues, giving you a stronger pump.
my training partner does it… i just tell him he needs to be in the aerobic class cus he spends more time admiring himself in the mirror than a girl
Just keep in mind that the gym is the only place where this bahavior is acceptable.
of course i do
there must be some benefit to all this pain we go through
I think flexing between sets won’t allow you as much recovery for the next set. Flexing after your workout seems to make more sense.
- Adam
I (discreetly) flex my biceps in between sets, as I have a terrible mind-muscle connection with them and have been trying my best to build it up.
I find that focusing on flexing them while going through the curling motion helps me work them better in the following set.
I do sometimes, especially when I have a mild pump. But the thing is, I work out in my own gym, by myself.
If you look good or are working hard, I don’t see anything wrong with a little bit of flexing.
[quote]derek wrote:
I do sometimes, especially when I have a mild pump. But the thing is, I work out in my own gym, by myself.
If you look good or are working hard, I don’t see anything wrong with a little bit of flexing.[/quote]
I always flex really hard between sets. I make sure to go “GRRRRRRR!” at the same time and wink at the ladies.
They love that.
Wearing a yellow headband and matching yellow and red shirt to rip off will also guarentee some extra attention (lemme tell u sumthin’ brother!)
Dont know about looking like a retard, but I notice that no one else in my gym breaks a sweat, so to care what their opinion is would make me a retard. And I repeat this over and over out loud while Im doing it.
I used to stretch between sets but learned that this actually forces blood out of the muscle, whereas flexing forces blood in. So now I flex.
Anybody Flex In Between Sets?
doesn’t every body…
Hells yeah, how else will everyone know how jacked and tan I am?
I always flex and hit poses between sets
Wouldn’t flexing fatigue the muscle? Aren’t you suppose to be resting? Do you “rest” more if you flex?
[quote]Digity wrote:
Wouldn’t flexing fatigue the muscle? Aren’t you suppose to be resting? Do you “rest” more if you flex?[/quote]
your avatar bothers me a lot.
As for the actual point of the thread, mr popular and I will be releasing a video of us posing and lifting, set to music, probably Queen’s “You’re My Best Friend.” Just an FYI.
Isometric contractions can actually be a strength potentiater in the contracted muscle. there’s a benefit at ~30 seconds after, but this diminishes steadily after the first minute