anyone ever try this stuff? i’m gonna start t-dawg in a few weeks and looking for convenience food - sandwiches! any recommended brands? i’ve heard people recommend ezekiel bread - how many carbs does this stuff have? fiber?
You live in California? California Alvarado organic breads. The low end at 9 to 11 gram carbs per slice. You’ll have to keep it refrigiated after opening so it doesn’t get moldy.
Most “low carb” bread is full of soy. Tastes like cardboard too, at least the Atkins kind you put in bread machines.
There is a bread, can’t think of the brand name, but it is a complete protein bread and has 10 grams of carbs per 1 piece. It’s really good. Should be able to find it at a natural market like Whole Foods or Wild Oats. It’s has lots of good stuff in it. If I think of the name I’ll let ya know.
Read the ingredients. Then decide if it’s healthy. It amazes me that people don’t take this basic step.
I eat sprouted multi-grain breads that have 3-4g protein, 10-18g carbs and 1-2g fat per slice. I buy my breads at Trader Joes, but any health food or natural food type grocery store should carry these types of bread. Sometimes, they use soy, but there are many brands that do not.
TEK is right.
Just curious Jason where do you live i have 2 trader joe’s near me maybe if its close we could shoot the breeze.
I don’t think Ezekial bread is particularly “low carb”, but the grains in it have a low glycemic index. Apparently the fact that the grain starts to sprout changes the composition of the grain before it is ground into flour. (I don’t pretend to understand why.) Anyway, Ezekial bread is very heavy, or maybe full-bodied is the better term. Some people don’t like their bread that heavy.
I live in Sunnyvale, CA between Mountain View and Santa Clara in the South Bay Area. Send me an email at if you are nearby and want to grab some coffee (can’t do that - caffiene), a smoothie (can’t do that - Jamba Juice uses soy protein) or something. Honestly, I’m very suprised that in such a huge area like the South Bay, I have yet to meet or hear of any forum regulars.
anyone try breads from - some claim 2-3g of carbs per slice
Oh shit never mind,i thought trader joes was a north east thing, im in NH right now i thought trader joes only had stores on the east coast, it would have been nice but i geuss it’s just a little too far apart.
Huh? I thought that Trader Joes was only a West Coast thing. I guess we were both wrong. Take care!
But hey, the invation is still there for any South Bay T-Maggers.
Well, I’m a little closer man, but still 600 miles north in Oregon. I do have a T-Man buddy set up in the Bay Area, however.
Well, I’ve got to get up to Oregon sometime and say hello to Patricia and ko. Tell your buddy to drop me an email. I still think it is shocking that in an area full of millions of people, I’m the only one who posts here.