Another Beginner

Hi everyone!

I just signed up here at T-Nation to ask questions (and hopefully one day contribute) in the forum. Anyways, I’m new to Oly, I started training about 8 weeks ago (I’m only able to train once a week with a coach).

I’m lucky to live very close to a where a weightlifting team trains, so I joined and I’ve been training with them since September. I’m learning the snatch right now, which brings me to my question(s).

I lift once a week under a coach’s supervision, but I’m able to train twice a week at the university’s gym (doesn’t have an Oly setup though).

Can you guys/gals help me put together a programme for those 2 days that I train on my own?

To give you an idea what I’m doing, here’s (approximately) what my coach has me do (last Friday’s workout).

  1. Overhead squats, bar only, sets of 10 (don’t remember how many sets though)

  2. Power snatch, bar only then 25kg, sets of 10 (not quite sure any more)

  3. Snatch High Pull, bar only, then 25kg, then 30kg, sets of 10 then 8 then 6 (not quite sure any more)

  4. Snatch-grip shoulder press out of the bottom of a squat, 12.5kg (?) bar, 5 sets of 5

  5. Front squat (Next week he’ll have me back squat)

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for not knowing the exact number of reps/sets. Thanks!

You can do your strength stuff outside of the coached sessions. I would recommend you not do any oly stuff Oly stuff on your own as you’ll more then likely build in bad technique. This is only because you have ACCESS TO A COACH.

So do your strength stuff outside fo his sessions

Front Squats and Back Squats alternate them around
general strength suff, pull ups, dips, wide grip pull ups, military press, upright rows, good mornings, abs etc

Once you get the feel of lifting then you can do some Oly stuff outside of the coached sessions.

You do not want to have to unlearn bad habits that you picked up on your own!

Hows your flexibility? If you can OHS properly your good to go! If not stretch like a MOFO so you can OHS ‘with ease’. It’ll speed up the way you learn the OLifts.


[quote]Koing wrote:
You can do your strength stuff outside of the coached sessions. I would recommend you not do any oly stuff Oly stuff on your own as you’ll more then likely build in bad technique. This is only because you have ACCESS TO A COACH.

So do your strength stuff outside fo his sessions

Front Squats and Back Squats alternate them around
general strength suff, pull ups, dips, wide grip pull ups, military press, upright rows, good mornings, abs etc

Once you get the feel of lifting then you can do some Oly stuff outside of the coached sessions.

You do not want to have to unlearn bad habits that you picked up on your own!

Hows your flexibility? If you can OHS properly your good to go! If not stretch like a MOFO so you can OHS ‘with ease’. It’ll speed up the way you learn the OLifts.


Hi Koing, thanks for replying. :slight_smile:

My hip flexibility (and my shoulders a bit too) isn’t that great, especially when my legs go down past parallel to the ground when doing the OHS. What can I do to improve that?

Forgot to mention the following in my post: I’m kinda able to snatch, I was able to do 30kg 2 weeks ago…I’m just not that great yet.

What should I do to for warmup? What should I be stretching?


[quote]Koing wrote:
You can do your strength stuff outside of the coached sessions. I would recommend you not do any oly stuff Oly stuff on your own as you’ll more then likely build in bad technique. This is only because you have ACCESS TO A COACH.

So do your strength stuff outside fo his sessions

Front Squats and Back Squats alternate them around
general strength suff, pull ups, dips, wide grip pull ups, military press, upright rows, good mornings, abs etc

Once you get the feel of lifting then you can do some Oly stuff outside of the coached sessions.

You do not want to have to unlearn bad habits that you picked up on your own!

Hows your flexibility? If you can OHS properly your good to go! If not stretch like a MOFO so you can OHS ‘with ease’. It’ll speed up the way you learn the OLifts.


Hi Koing, thanks for replying. :slight_smile:

My hip flexibility (and my shoulders a bit too) isn’t that great, especially when my legs go down past parallel to the ground when doing the OHS. What can I do to improve that?

Forgot to mention the following in my post: I’m kinda able to snatch, I was able to do 30kg 2 weeks ago…I’m just not that great yet.

What should I do to for warmup? What should I be stretching?


warm ups

dynamic stretchs
windmills with arms
windmills with legs
swing the leg across the body
warm up your back
Goblet squats

Work you mobility hard and your lifts will progress a lot faster as it’s not slowing you down!


[quote]Koing wrote:
warm ups

dynamic stretchs
windmills with arms
windmills with legs
swing the leg across the body
warm up your back
Goblet squats

Work you mobility hard and your lifts will progress a lot faster as it’s not slowing you down!


Hi Koing

What do you mean by dynamic stretches? And how are windmills with the legs done? For the strength stuff (squats, mil. press etc) is it ok if I stick to the Starting Strength program?

Thanks, have a nice weekend!