Another Beginner Thread

I’m sure you’ve all been asked this a million times, but here goes. I finally decided to try lifting weights to gain some weight since I’m 5’10" and weigh 120 lbs. I happened upon this site and I’ve been looking over the forums for a few days and decided to join.

I’m completely new to lifting weights and have very limited equipment. All I pretty much have is a bar and some weights (although one of my friends has a bench and I will be going there once a week). If someone could offer some simple advice I’d be very grateful. I’d like to know how often I should work out and what kind of lifts to do. I just started eating more and doing some basic stuff like squats, curls, military presses, but I’m not sure if I have the right form.

If someone has some links to some kind of animation showing how to do stuff that would be awesome. I just started sorting through some of the beginner links but at the moment I’m working 60+ hours a week and don’t have a lot of free time. If someone could suggest a few good guides on here to read that you think would suit me that would also help. I know this question depends on a lot of factors, but how much weight should I be gaining per week (or month?) so that I’m gaining more mass without gaining a lot of fat.

So here’s your chance to set a newbie on the right track. Sorry if this stuff has been answered a million times, and thanks in advance for any advice.

  • Great Stuff to look at, detailed, AND has animations on how to do almost all the lifts. Its neato!

  • Read that thread and all of the threads it links to. Alright, maybe not all, but 97.3% of them. Especially the nutrition, since at 5’10 and 120 lbs, I think you’re starving.

But the basic advice is to lift heavy shit and eat everything you can get your hands on.

More technical advice is to lift heavy shit doing compound lifts, and eat everything you can see.


Agree with the above and will add EAT. You want to gain lifting wont do it alone. If you cant gain wieght without lifting then you wont with lifting with out a drastic increase in the food you consume.

Read up, lift EAT, and come back with ?'s