I signed up here for some advice on how I could regain a strong ankle. I hurt my ankle in August 2007 when I was in a pile during an American Football game. What happened was, while I was lying down someone stomped on my ankle which made it swell up tripple its normal size. To regain its normal flexibility and functionality I’ve visited a physician to get a mild form of sound waves to repair broken tissue or something and later worked on walking.
The thing is, that it hasn’t worked so far, because I’m not able to perform a normal squat. When I started working out again I tried to perform really light squats, only with the bar and only up to 95 lbs, but I couldn’t even go down to parallel. In order to help my ankle I’ve bought a wobble board and doing exercises on that. Furthermore I’ve been doing an exercise where I wrap up a towel and put pressure on my ankle while moving it up and down. But hasn’t helped me a lot.
I hope you can help me, so I can get ready for the next season.
You may want to see Berardi’s article on eating while ur healing. I find ice and compression work very well for ankles, I recently sprained mine, and have used the time I have at the moment to heal. Band training may be just what you need. Whatever doesn’t destroy you can only make you stronger!
A few questions everyone needs to know before they help you:
Any X-rays taken?
Any MRI’s taken?
How long were you off your feet?
If it is still inflamed I would go to a massage therapist who works with athletes. When I did not walk due to partially torn plantar fascia for 2 months the first day in physical therapy the massage therapist it was amazing to see the size go down.
[quote]Kreal7 wrote:
A few questions everyone needs to know before they help you:
Any X-rays taken?
Any MRI’s taken?
How long were you off your feet?
If it is still inflamed I would go to a massage therapist who works with athletes. When I did not walk due to partially torn plantar fascia for 2 months the first day in physical therapy the massage therapist it was amazing to see the size go down.
Yes, it was x-rayed 2 times, but there wasn’t a fracture.
No MRI’s taken, yet.
I was off my feet for about 3 weeks, while getting ultra sound, massages and general rehab exercises for the ankle. Also, I iced it as often as I could.