
Okay, listen to Bill’s 2 on/4 off recommendation. Being the crazy bastard that I am, I decided to do an eight week cycle of Androsol at 100 sprays/2X daily. I am currently at week five. I am turning into one mean motherfucker! Last night I trashed my CD player and I almost trashed my computer because it was going to slow. I felt a surge of senseless rage, and I beat my mattress until I tired out. Yesterday morning I called my little sister names too vile to repeat here. I still have a few more weeks to go, and I can’t wait to hit the gym and beat that heavy punching bag into oblivion. Manic-depressive or not, I have never had so much senseless rage in my life. I feel like I could tear Mike Tyson apart and still not be satisfied. Sure, I’m packing on the muscle. But this “roid rage” side-effect ain’t worth it. Next time I order Androsol, I’m going to follow the recommended dosage and duration! Large amounts of 4-androstendiol in the system for a long duration is a recipe for turning you into a fucking animal. Follow the recommended instructions instead of learning the hard way!

Gee I don’t know about that Jason. You seem to be the same old mean motherfucker as before. :)I think that your increasing the dosage beyond the recommended max is typical of drug dependent individuals. “More is always better.” Interestingly though, even with the side effects that you are experiencing, you don’t say that you are going to cut back NOW. How strange. I think you ought to stop all the andro immediately. On the more positive side, sharing your experience with us will hopefully prevent someone else from making that same mistake. Thank you.

PS, Maybe Brock can come up with a spray that will negate all the hate that you have for so many ethnic and religious groups.

you’re full of shit dude. Roid rage on Androsol? Gimme a break. Sounds to me like you’re trying to convince somebody that you actually work out.

I personally am interested in alternative protocols for supplements and what others experience. Everyone has something to impart to those who can never learn enough.
I think you guys ought to cut him a little slack, I don’t really care for his character,and I certainly don’t agree with much that he has to say. But you seem to be focusing on past posts about other topics, and lets not revisit that shit.

The term roid rage was likely just used as an abstract… A raise in “T” can & does raise the level of aggression… “roid rage” maybe a misnomer, but the result is the same. Although I’m mild mannered individual (not to be read as introvert!), I do at times catch myself suffering from “Hyde & Jeckle” syndrome… simple things like cursing a little more in front of my daughter at asshole drivers , I normally restrain myself… for me it is very subtle, but it is there.
Jason … do something simple for sis like taking her for icecream… ya F…up. So make it right, it builds character.

Just a note. From what I’ve seen in the literature and in the real world, only those with psychotic or manic behavior prior to androgen use experience “roid rage”. With most other people, the effect is minimal to nonexistent, with many people actually displaying a positive mood and feeling of well being.

To follow up what Cy said, I remember reading in one of the Surge articles that Tim Patterson was coming off a 200 spray/day Androsol cycle, and he didn’t mention anything about smashing things or being an all around delusional fuck.

Yes, it is true that people with manic disorders are at a high risk of developing “roid rage” with the use of androgenic compounds. In fact, when I told my psychiatrist that I was using Androsol, he warned me that it could make me psychotic. In my case, it seems to be the DURATION rather than the DOSAGE that is causing the outbursts of anger. This type of anger I am experiencing with Androsol is not directed at anything in particular. I just feel like I want to destroy anything that aggravates me.

Avoids Roids, since you advocate chemical mind control to eliminate political dissidents, perhaps I should work on developing a spray that will stop you from being an effiminate egalitarian.

Dale, I have apologized to all the people that I have said nasty things to during my temper tantrum. Being manic-depressive, that’s something I’m used to anyway by know - and everyone who knows me is used to it too. The reason I’m not stopping the Androsol cycle is because I have access to psychotropic drugs that could mellow me out. An extra dose of Zyprexa has stopped the “roid rage” in its tracks.

I think the concept of “roid rage” is alot like the “drunken asshole” concept in college. I would watch people (my fraternity brothers) drink and be assholes (I don’t drink partly because I don’t like the effects and partly cause I hate the taste). It wasn’t that they were being idiots because “they were so wasted” as they claimed…it’s kind of like they said “hey, I’m buzzed…this is my excuse to act like a total jerk-off and blame it on liquor.” Now if they weren’t buzzed maybe they’d be decent enough to not smash things even if they thought they COULD get away with it. But bottom line, they knew better and just wanted to be an oaf.

Bri, ethyl alcohol depresses the part of the brain that controls inhibitions and learned behavior. Alcohol and other substances that effect the chemistry and function of the brain DO cause behavioral changes. It’s not an excuse, it’s a scientific fact.

Rubberman, when Androsol first came out, Brock Strasser wrote that he applied twice the recommended dosage, and bragged that he experienced roid rage and stated, and I quote: “I wanted to beat the shit out of my poor dog for no reason.” (End quote) Rubberman, why are you not calling Brock an “all around delusional fuck”? Could it be that you are bigoted towards my political beliefs, and just want to give me a hard time?

What fraternity are you in Bri?

Bri, although there is a physiolgical basis for alcohol causing disinhibited behavior, your point stands. There are studies that show that people drinking nonalcoholic beer act intoxicated if they believe the beer has alcohol in it. People’s conduct is hugely influenced by expectations. If one expects to act disinhibited, well… Either way, there is no excuse for one’s behavior while under the influence when one knows beforehand what the effects of that subtance are. I sure hope Jason doesn’t commit any violence while on this cycle or some attorney will have a field day…and think of the consequences to the rest of us who use Androsol responsibly. (Little hint there for you Jason.)

Jason; If “I wanted to beat the shit out of my poor dog for no reason” is indeed a quote from Brock’s mouth regarding his androsol-induced roid rage, I retract my statement, which may in fact infer that androsol users who experience roid rage are delusional fucks. Instead, let me replace my previous statement with this statement; Yes, I called you a delusional fuck because I disagree with your political “views”, which is the point at which I should have left it. You being a delusional fuck has nothing to do with your androsol…you’re just a delusional fuck, period.

On a lighter note, I really don’t think that adding other meds to your system is the answer to your androsol woes. You’ve already stated that you don’t think this cycle is a good idea - why continue it? Maybe your should cycle off, uh? As much as it pains me to say it, don’t go fucking yourself up for the sake of a few pounds. Being less of a delusional fuck wouldn’t hurt either.

I “advocate chemical mind control to get rid of political dissidents.” What the #@$! are you talking about now? I think you may have me mixed up with someone else. As for your “cycle”, your continuation of it just confirms my opinion of you. Obviously you need to change psychiatrists. Your current one ain’t doing shit. Go pop another pill drugboy.

Rubberman, I’d rather be a delusional fuck than an egalitarian faggot like you. Why don’t you remove your vagisil, grow some balls, and wake the fuck up.

Avoids Roids, I could care less what your opinion of me is. My opinion of you is that you are a cowardly chickenshit asshole who likes to talk shit while hiding behind a computer screen and a pseudonym. Now go put on your panties and get together with the rest of the college girls OF BOTH SEXES and debate which form of Communism would be better for our society - Maoism or Trotskyite. You fucking creep.

“Roid rage” is not a myth. However the only drugs that heighten “irritation” ceilings are Halotestin and Trenbolone Acetate…not Androsol.

I guess the secret’s out…I am an egalitarian faggot. Once again, Jason’s amazing powers of perception and his unstoppable quest for truth have uncloseted another egalitarian faggot. But I, Rubberman, have discovered a secret about Mr. Baran. During the day he masqurades as mild-mannered Androsol user Jason R. Baran, while at night he becomes SUPERNAZIMAN, fighting to rid the world of gays, blacks, jews, muslims and anyone who is left handed! Supernaziman will not rest until the balance of power is set right again, where the arian nation is free to hunt niggers and kikes with crossbows! (Insert Supernaziman’s triumphant theme song here).

Jason, maybe I am egalitarian (and until now I didn't realize that it was such a bad thing), and the fact that I believe all people to be equal makes me so sad that a person like you exists. We've tried directly confronting you, we've tried ignoring you. You simply won't go away. All too often you have created a hostile and angry tone on this board, by creating and/or infecting threads. I do not mean this in any sort of condesending or name-calling fashion (see "delusional fuck") when I ask you to seriously consider getting some help. Obviously your meds and your shrink are not doing what they should be doing. Maybe spend some serious time in Church and find out what loving your fellow man is all about. Please do not respond to this thread, because I'm sure if you do I will get offended and start a whole new round of name calling. I think by this time you know where most of us on this board stand, and while in most ways this board does not reflect the world at large, the political, religious and social beliefs held here do, I believe, correspond with the world at large. Again, please do not respond, but for the simple fact that deep down I love all of humanity, I want to to get well and find some positive outlet for your otherwise negative energy. peace, Rubberman.