[quote]PeteS wrote:
noice!!! like how you had the singlet on even though you didn’t need it. very fashionable my friend. [/quote]
yeah…wasn’t sure about the rules but it was cold as shit in there. it was all i could do to take my sweatshirt off when it was time to bench. plus i reffed and basically jumped out and took a few warmup attempts before going to it. it all worked out though.
back to the gym… went in today and hit some front squats and leg press. IT bands are feeling really good and the weight is feeling light. two of my guys have a meet this coming weekend so i worked in with them. they were using the Texas squat bar that is thicker than a normal 45lb bar and makes front squats a bit harder but i managed.
front squats
415x1-paused…felt very easy. i’ll keep adding weight each week.
circuit- leg press-heels together, no lockout, seated calf raise, and toe presses
bench’n- started a new cycle for bench press today. we will be doing foam presses as our main variation. i really didn’t know how high i would go. i looked back in my log and i’ve hit 545 touch and go in the past so i had some idea. i was amazed that when i worked up to 545 even with a long pause it felt pretty light.