Anadrol 50

I have access to a good supply of Anadrol 50, after researching this there seems to be some mixed opinions as to its safety and effectiveness. Does anyone have any experience with Anadrol they can share, should i stack it or take it alone? I was told to take 50mgs per day for 2 weeks and off for 10 days.Im 40 years old 6’3" 225lbs, what kind of results can i expect? I would like to put on mass and improve my strength.Will i be able to keep the gains or will they quickly fade? What about side effects?

I’m no steroid expert, but I have a feeling that the question “How much will I gain with this cycle?” is about as bad as asking how much fat will you lose on a certain diet. In other words, there are just too many other factors to put an exact number on it. Maybe I’m wrong.

As for the rest of your questions, have you done a search for “anadrol” at T-mag yet? I’m sure you’ll get tons of info with the search engine. Good luck.

I’ve emailed back and forth with Bill Roberts and had a few replies from Brock as well discussing Anadrol. Here is the general concensus according to the two gurus.

It's not as toxic as generally made out to be. 50mg daily can probably be taken safely for 8 weeks or even more. Alone, it's not all that great, so consider a stack. Anadrol has a potential for progestenic gyno, so it's a good idea to stack stanazolol (Winny) with it for its anti-progestenic effects. Another good choice would be a mild class 1 steroid like methenolone (Primo). Bill had some reservations stacking Deca with it for the progestenic issues. If I had access to anything, I would stack 50mgs oxymetholone per day with 25mgs stanazolol per day and 500mgs methenolone enanthate per week. I would count on some pretty big size and strength gains after 8 weeks on this.

I used Anadrol 50 about 10 years ago I had a bottle of 100 and knew nothing about roids (still don’t) I took 1/2 a tablet daily for a week than 1 tablet daily till I had 6 tablet left than a 1/2 tablet for 6 days than 1/2 tablet every other day for 12, I Got big 1 1/4" on my arms and my bench went up 80 lbs I loved it and would do it again if it were legal… I don’t what to go to jail