With the off season dwindling down, and Camp about 6-8 weeks out (YAY!!) I was wondering if using the Anaconda Protocol to get every last drip of efficiency out of my workouts would be beneficial.
Now without trying to insult CT, or anyone else I know that you guys believe in the AP and all but hypertrophy isn’t a major part of my training at the moment, (and probably won’t be until about November/December.) The Anaconda Protocol and its claims, and the results seen by other posters still entices me, and attracts me to want to try it.
My training look like this;
1a. Single leg MB OH throw with catch 3x6 L/R
1b. Push up position knee touch to elbow 3x8 L/R 45 sec
2. Power Cleans 1x4, 4x2 2min res
3a. Rear foot elevated Split Squat 4x4L/R
3b. Jump Squat 4x5 2 min rest
4a. Military Press 4x4
4b. Clap Push up 4x8 2.5
That’s what Monday looks like, and the rest of the week follows a similar format. Lots of super sets at this point.
I thank you in advance for any help that you can offer, and the other posters of TMuscle can offer.
Also CT, I was wondering if I could possibly get information VIA PM preferably regarding Biotest’s products and WADA testing. Things in Canada have gotten a bit dirty with one of the programs being canceled because of banned substances so at the moment everyone is on edge regarding testing, and I was wondering if I could have it confirmed to me that(again in pm;) HOT-ROX Extreme, ELITEPRO Minerals, all of the products found in the Anaconda Protocol 2, and Z-12, are in noway contaminated with any products frowned upon by WADA, and that there is no possibility of cross contamination?
[quote]theeathlete wrote:
With the off season dwindling down, and Camp about 6-8 weeks out (YAY!!) I was wondering if using the Anaconda Protocol to get every last drip of efficiency out of my workouts would be beneficial. Now without trying to insult CT, or anyone else I know that you guys believe in the AP and all but hypertrophy isn’t a major part of my training at the moment, (and probably won’t be until about November/December.) The Anaconda Protocol and its claims, and the results seen by other posters still entices me, and attracts me to want to try it.
My training look like this;
1a. Single leg MB OH throw with catch 3x6 L/R
1b. Push up position knee touch to elbow 3x8 L/R 45 sec
2. Power Cleans 1x4, 4x2 2min res
3a. Rear foot elevated Split Squat 4x4L/R
3b. Jump Squat 4x5 2 min rest
4a. Military Press 4x4
4b. Clap Push up 4x8 2.5
That’s what Monday looks like, and the rest of the week follows a similar format. Lots of super sets at this point.
I thank you in advance for any help that you can offer, and the other posters of TMuscle can offer.[/quote]
Was there supposed to be a question in there?
[quote]theeathlete wrote:
I was wondering if I could possibly get information VIA PM preferably regarding biotests products and WADA testing. Things in Canada have gotten a bit dirty with one of the programs being canceled because of banned substances so at the moment everyone is on edge regarding testing, and I was wondering if I could have it confirmed to me that(again in pm;) Hot Rox extreme, ELITEPROTM Minerals, all of the products found in the Anaconda Protocol 2, and z-12, are in noway contaminated with any products frowned upon by WADA, and that there is no possibility of cross contamination? [/quote]
Unless WADA has just changed their banned substance list, you’ll have no issues with any Biotest supplement. We’ve been making supplements since 1997 and have never had an athlete test positive as a result of using any of our products.
I was simply wondering would i receive the benefits of the Anaconda Protol with my current program which I listed 1 of the 3 days off in my original post.
[quote]theeathlete wrote:
I was simply wondering would i receive the benefits of the Anaconda Protol with my current program which I listed 1 of the 3 days off in my original post. [/quote]
Anaconda and Workout fuel were originally designed for athlete and to boost athletic performance and recovery.
Joe Defranco uses it with his football players and I had a lot of hockey players use it too.
So yes, it is good to use. Especially if you are running track on top of your strength training as it will increase work capacity and recovery.
[quote]Christian Thibaudeau wrote:
[quote]theeathlete wrote:
I was simply wondering would i receive the benefits of the Anaconda Protol with my current program which I listed 1 of the 3 days off in my original post. [/quote]
Anaconda and Workout fuel were originally designed for athlete and to boost athletic performance and recovery.
Joe Defranco uses it with his football players and I had a lot of hockey players use it too.
So yes, it is good to use. Especially if you are running track on top of your strength training as it will increase work capacity and recovery.[/quote]
You sure Defranco uses Anaconda with his players?..I remember seeing a while back the supplements he recommends,and I didn’t see any Biotest products…
[quote]the pale writer wrote:
[quote]Christian Thibaudeau wrote:
[quote]theeathlete wrote:
I was simply wondering would i receive the benefits of the Anaconda Protol with my current program which I listed 1 of the 3 days off in my original post. [/quote]
Anaconda and Workout fuel were originally designed for athlete and to boost athletic performance and recovery.
Joe Defranco uses it with his football players and I had a lot of hockey players use it too.
So yes, it is good to use. Especially if you are running track on top of your strength training as it will increase work capacity and recovery.[/quote]
You sure Defranco uses Anaconda with his players?..I remember seeing a while back the supplements he recommends,and I didn’t see any Biotest products…[/quote]
Nate Green told me that they were using it when he spent a week there.
[quote]Christian Thibaudeau wrote:
[quote]the pale writer wrote:
[quote]Christian Thibaudeau wrote:
[quote]theeathlete wrote:
I was simply wondering would i receive the benefits of the Anaconda Protol with my current program which I listed 1 of the 3 days off in my original post. [/quote]
Anaconda and Workout fuel were originally designed for athlete and to boost athletic performance and recovery.
Joe Defranco uses it with his football players and I had a lot of hockey players use it too.
So yes, it is good to use. Especially if you are running track on top of your strength training as it will increase work capacity and recovery.[/quote]
You sure Defranco uses Anaconda with his players?..I remember seeing a while back the supplements he recommends,and I didn’t see any Biotest products…[/quote]
Nate Green told me that they were using it when he spent a week there.[/quote]
Maybe it’s DeFranco’s ‘secret weapon’ and he doesn’t want to publish why he is getting even better results…
[quote]Mutsanah wrote:
[quote]Christian Thibaudeau wrote:
[quote]the pale writer wrote:
[quote]Christian Thibaudeau wrote:
[quote]theeathlete wrote:
I was simply wondering would i receive the benefits of the Anaconda Protol with my current program which I listed 1 of the 3 days off in my original post. [/quote]
Anaconda and Workout fuel were originally designed for athlete and to boost athletic performance and recovery.
Joe Defranco uses it with his football players and I had a lot of hockey players use it too.
So yes, it is good to use. Especially if you are running track on top of your strength training as it will increase work capacity and recovery.[/quote]
You sure Defranco uses Anaconda with his players?..I remember seeing a while back the supplements he recommends,and I didn’t see any Biotest products…[/quote]
Nate Green told me that they were using it when he spent a week there.[/quote]
Maybe it’s DeFranco’s ‘secret weapon’ and he doesn’t want to publish why he is getting even better results…
Could be…I was just surprised to see no Biotest products on His list at all…he recommended everything from fish oil to a sleep aid and I just thought it was weird…
I’m pretty sure that was his list of “Staples” correct, where he recommended the greens supplement, fish oil, sleep aid, and protein…
If you read a few of his other things, he even says that he himself is a supplement junkie. He commonly drinks a red bull, mixed with surge workout fuel, and then one other ingredient I believe before his training.
You gotta remember, most of his “target audience” is typically going to be high schoolers and college kids. They are not the people who could normally afford the Anaconda Protocol (except for of course the ones that train at his place, who are probably willing to spend it all at a chance to make it big).
The Anaconda Protocol could be the greatest thing to hit sport nutrition EVER, but if it’s the difference between that and paying your rent and tuition, it’s probably a clear choice.
Just throwing that out there…