Can ANACONDA be used alone without the protocol? People were talking about a zero carb post workout drink, can it be used as such?
Don’t see why not.
MAG-10 would be better as a stand alone pwo shake. The anabolic fuel in ANACONDA would probably be better utilized during your workout.
Well, for cutting, when you’re seriously low on carbs (or low days if cycling your macros), it may be the only item in the protocol you can get away with. Kevin Nobert told me that they sequentially dropped different supps as he got tighter (first the Surge Workout Fuel, then the FINiBARs). I believe Thibs just answered in one of the other threads for someone to low carb it all day, and just use 1 FINiBAR with the ANACONDA.
I’ve already given serious thought to how I’m going to cycle my daily macros, and how many FINiBARs I’ll be able to eat towards the end of my next prep. Still, with the great effects I had using BCAAs and L-Leucine last time, I’m expected to hold onto a lot more LBM this time around (Kevin was taking nothing but MAG-10 - no food!- for the last couple of weeks before his show, and he looked pretty damn good).
MAG-10 and no food? for a couple of weeks?
jesus, I tried the V-Diet for 3 days and it was beyond hell.
did he take any other supplements?
[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
MAG-10 and no food? for a couple of weeks?
jesus, I tried the V-Diet for 3 days and it was beyond hell.
did he take any other supplements?[/quote]
Agreed. That would suck. I am much more hungry through the day now that I am using this as my largest source of supplemental protein…something I would not do if it weren’t for the comments I have been getting lately about how I look and my strength levels. I don’t see how anyone could only drink MAG-10 all day long and not feel like they were about to lose consciousness.
Oh believe me guys, I couldn’t do it. I enjoy eating way too much. That was the hardest part of my contest diet, the growling stomach. Some people can just be fine going long periods without food,… I’m not one of those people -lol.
The hunger and low mental capacity wasn’t the worst. It was the feeling that my innards were being destroyed that caused me to quit.
Stu, I have a question for ya…
I want to try to stretch my Anaconda/MAG-10 as much as possible since I’m going to try to do 2 months of 6-per-week workouts to try to get some real gains. Would taking a scoop of Anaconda pre/during-workout and then a scoop of MAG-10 post-workout be the way to go? Should I go with two scoops of Anaconda pre/during? I’m on the Anabolic Diet, so only one of my workouts would be with me having any real carbs in my body.
Thanks in advance for any help.
[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
Well, for cutting, when you’re seriously low on carbs (or low days if cycling your macros), it may be the only item in the protocol you can get away with. Kevin Nobert told me that they sequentially dropped different supps as he got tighter (first the Surge Workout Fuel, then the FINiBARs). I believe Thibs just answered in one of the other threads for someone to low carb it all day, and just use 1 FINiBAR with the ANACONDA.
I’ve already given serious thought to how I’m going to cycle my daily macros, and how many FINiBARs I’ll be able to eat towards the end of my next prep. Still, with the great effects I had using BCAAs and L-Leucine last time, I’m expected to hold onto a lot more LBM this time around (Kevin was taking nothing but MAG-10 - no food!- for the last couple of weeks before his show, and he looked pretty damn good).
I find that hard to believe (but not impossible).
He was taking in NO fats, either? Not even a solid piece of food throughout the day or on ONE day of the week?
[quote]PonceDeLeon wrote:
The Mighty Stu wrote:
Well, for cutting, when you’re seriously low on carbs (or low days if cycling your macros), it may be the only item in the protocol you can get away with. Kevin Nobert told me that they sequentially dropped different supps as he got tighter (first the Surge Workout Fuel, then the FINiBARs). I believe Thibs just answered in one of the other threads for someone to low carb it all day, and just use 1 FINiBAR with the ANACONDA.
I’ve already given serious thought to how I’m going to cycle my daily macros, and how many FINiBARs I’ll be able to eat towards the end of my next prep. Still, with the great effects I had using BCAAs and L-Leucine last time, I’m expected to hold onto a lot more LBM this time around (Kevin was taking nothing but MAG-10 - no food!- for the last couple of weeks before his show, and he looked pretty damn good).
I find that hard to believe (but not impossible).
He was taking in NO fats, either? Not even a solid piece of food throughout the day or on ONE day of the week?[/quote]
CT mentioned Kevin did this as well
I plan to use Anaconda during my workouts in place of SWF. I plan to start with 1 to 1 1/2 scoops with half the water recommended for the full Anaconda profile. Any suggestions or comments?
I believe CT said he was taking Flameout and FA3 for his essential fatty acid needs. I’d say it was a pretty drastic diet as he had to drop twenty some pounds in a week or two.
[quote]mmcrath wrote:
I plan to use Anaconda during my workouts in place of SWF. I plan to start with 1 to 1 1/2 scoops with half the water recommended for the full Anaconda profile. Any suggestions or comments?[/quote]
What else do you use?
Is int that only 10 - 15 grams of protein and no carbs?
Of course Metabolic Drive would be part of the plan for protein intake. Rez-V, Z-12, and Flameout are part of the group of supps too
I don’t think Kev took ANYTHING besides the MAG-10. Christian had mentioned to me about mixing 4 scoops of MAG-10 in a big jug of water and sipping it throughout the day, which is what I was doing with BCAAs leading up to my contest last May. I don’t know if I would need to do that next prep if my peri-workout approach was dead on, definitely something to think about. CT also joked while we were talking that if your periworkout approach if optimal, you could get away with an ‘average healthy’ diet the rest of the day and still make great gains.
SAMDAN- I’m obviously not as well versed in the various components as Tim, or Christian are, so I’m certainly not the one to give you the best answer to your question. I will say that I was using Christian’s earlier protocol that involved the SWF as well, and was certainly pleased with my strength levels and recovery. Was it as good as his current recommendations? Probably not, but CT’s been up front about the fact that he was trying different approaches to find the most effective method. Obviously you can opt for something that’s less than optimal, and still make great gains. Hell, I’ve been making gains on cheap whey and poptarts PWO for years Of course I’ll take the Anaconda Protocol over my beloved Poptarts any day. Once you go 'Conda you never go back (damn,… doesn’t rhyme -lol)
[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
I don’t think Kev took ANYTHING besides the MAG-10. Christian had mentioned to me about mixing 4 scoops of MAG-10 in a big jug of water and sipping it throughout the day, which is what I was doing with BCAAs leading up to my contest last May.
I don’t know if I would need to do that next prep if my peri-workout approach was dead on, definitely something to think about. CT also joked while we were talking that if your periworkout approach if optimal, you could get away with an ‘average healthy’ diet the rest of the day and still make great gains.
SAMDAN- I’m obviously not as well versed in the various components as Tim, or Christian are, so I’m certainly not the one to give you the best answer to your question. I will say that I was using Christian’s earlier protocol that involved the SWF as well, and was certainly pleased with my strength levels and recovery. Was it as good as his current recommendations?
Probably not, but CT’s been up front about the fact that he was trying different approaches to find the most effective method. Obviously you can opt for something that’s less than optimal, and still make great gains. Hell, I’ve been making gains on cheap whey and poptarts PWO for years Of course I’ll take the Anaconda Protocol over my beloved Poptarts any day. Once you go 'Conda you never go back (damn,… doesn’t rhyme -lol)
Better than a toasted Brown Sugar and Cinnamon Stu??? If so i’m sold! lol
Well, looks like its time to become a human guinnea pig…
I’m gonna try my hardest to keep a consistent 6-per-week gym rotation, 1 scoop of Anaconda and 1 scoop of MAG-10 for each workout. 3 strength workouts, split with 3 workouts of complexes and cardio… Hell, might even be worth starting a real training log for…
[quote]Eazy wrote:
The Mighty Stu wrote:
I don’t think Kev took ANYTHING besides the MAG-10. Christian had mentioned to me about mixing 4 scoops of MAG-10 in a big jug of water and sipping it throughout the day, which is what I was doing with BCAAs leading up to my contest last May.
I don’t know if I would need to do that next prep if my peri-workout approach was dead on, definitely something to think about. CT also joked while we were talking that if your periworkout approach if optimal, you could get away with an ‘average healthy’ diet the rest of the day and still make great gains.
SAMDAN- I’m obviously not as well versed in the various components as Tim, or Christian are, so I’m certainly not the one to give you the best answer to your question. I will say that I was using Christian’s earlier protocol that involved the SWF as well, and was certainly pleased with my strength levels and recovery. Was it as good as his current recommendations?
Probably not, but CT’s been up front about the fact that he was trying different approaches to find the most effective method. Obviously you can opt for something that’s less than optimal, and still make great gains. Hell, I’ve been making gains on cheap whey and poptarts PWO for years Of course I’ll take the Anaconda Protocol over my beloved Poptarts any day. Once you go 'Conda you never go back (damn,… doesn’t rhyme -lol)
Better than a toasted Brown Sugar and Cinnamon Stu??? If so i’m sold! lol
How about “Once you go 'Conda, you’ll grow fonda and fonda (fonder)”
If you have to explain it, it becomes not funny…
“Once you’ve had the 'Conda, You’ll have to beat away a young Jane Fonda”
“Once you’ve had the 'Conda and MAG, you’ll be so huge that people will think you’re a fag!”
DAMNIT Biotest! Release products which can make good rhymes!