Amphetamine Based ADD Medicine & Lifting

Hey all, I’m not sure to what lengths this has been discussed on this forum but does anyone have any experience with working out with amphetamine based drugs such as Addearll or Vyvance?The reason being is that I have a few advanced placement tests for college credit in my high school and would most probably be taking a few during the study time period, and was wondering whether or not it would help mildly with my minor fat burning phase.

I know that severe decreases in hunger are found when first introduced into a substance like them, and the nervous system starts going at insane rate, but just how long would a 30xr of addearll effect a 5’7 195 18 year old? I would assume I would be able to have a fairly intensified workout along with more concentration and desire to do more cardio, but if my heart isn’t used to such a high dosage would training on the days I have to study be Ill-Advised (from my experience whenever I take one of these I have a period of an hour or so of just euphoric activity, and find the almost compulsive need to do something). Any horror stories about working out on this shit, or for this special occasion should I be ok and take advantage of it? I have no plans on regularly using this as a form of supplement, so my question is dealing with the assumption of me taking it for one maybe two nights. Please keep the warning related to training. Btw, the reason this is in the steroids forum is because it is a prescription based drug rather than an over the counter supp.

I’ve read (on this site) that adderall raises cortisol levels, so it actually adversely effects your training, as well as the health of your brain. I believe this information was posted by BushidoBadBoy, I’m sure you can find it using the search function.

I used to workout on adderall all the time. Its awesome. Fighter pilots take it and so did the infantry in WWII. they’ll be the best workouts of your life. I used to smash PR’s. Cardio with headphones and adderall and you feel like a god.

by ‘it’ I mean amphetamines.

Look up AAS and Nootropics. I asked the same question that Bushido answered for me.