Hey guys I’m back I want to give you an update on transparent labs. I just tried it today it’s the stem booster I wanted to get away from all these other pre-workouts or fillers and what I did was mix the scoop of this with 60 g of dextrose water mix. Has anybody had any experience with this product and mixing dextrose with a pre-workout because wow what an amazing workout today.
Waaaaaay too much dextrose
Or you could simply your life with one proven product: Surge Workout Fuel
Surge Workout Fuel is legitimately my favorite workout supplement (not just because I’m on this site). Have you tried it?
Dextrose is a little too risky for my underpants and I feel like the blood sugar highs and lows are not real friendly for me.
Lemon Drop is great stuff. I add a little more salt to it that’s it.
Omg never mind I just read ingredients omg! This is perfect pre-workout with carb! Is this a high stim! I need high stim!
No way really omg! How much then!
@marine77 that’s my favorite too. A couple folks were mixing flavors, but I was too snobby to try it.
@Mjscreen are you sure you need that much stimulant? You will develop a tolerance. You may find the beta-alanine in Surge to be plenty. I believe (pro bodybuilder) @RT_Nomad even cut out coffee when taking it.
Not a pro bodybuilder, but with Surge I don’t feel the need for caffeine.
I like lemon anything
My mistake. I meant to say “competitive” and my brain got crossed. We will agree, high-level
2 weeks ago you said this
Now you’re saying:
Which is it?
I’m a big stim guy. like 200-300mg on caffeine before the gym but adding on top of that is a little wild to me. I also have been seeing people pop Zynns in the gym which I also see as wild animal behavior.
I have seen posts about dextrose popping up more recently though and after looking into it, I’m a little scared of fucking with my bodies insulin response just to absorb a little more protein.
Dude I love stim after I got off screw it lol lfg!!!
Protein absorbs just fine without the carbs… the dextrose is for “quick energy”
You really don’t sound like someone who needs more stimulant. Unless it’s something like Vyvanse or Ritalin to help you organize your thoughts. Like, wtf are you saying right here? lol
You need something to slow you the fuck down.
Amphetamines are not that.
Talk to your doctor, dude, you’re a fuckin mess. The right meds can get you to be functional when combined with a healthy lifestyle.
Probably delete tiktok or whatever other social media you have too. They’re too addicting for us.
Your dopamine should be coming from the correct sources, like lifting and accomplishing shit. Not social media and video games.
Hope tiktok gets banned