I have had this lump since I started doing skull crushers for triceps.
For about 2 years I frequently did this exercise with weights that are quite heavy for me so I am essentially forced to bounce the bar off of my forehead at the bottom.
I now avoid it somewhat by lifting my head to meet the bar and using my neck muscles to ‘brake’ the dropping bar over about 4 inches distance (hurts and is probably harmful to my neck).
There was a period of at least 2 months where I stopped the exercise, but the lump remained.
It feels hard like my skull and does not depress at all.
Quite possible that additional bone growth has occurred locally there due to repeated stress (I forgot the name of this phenomenon).
Is anyone else here a proud owner of such a rhinoceratops horn (It is ever so aesthetic)?
Are there no exercises that provide the same benefits as skull crushers but without the undesired side effect of larger triceps?
Medicine ball head bumps against a wall, like a soccer player might practice?
Forehead stands?
Why not just put your head inbetween two of the plates on the cable machine whilst someone else does tricep pull downs?
You could push a prowler with your forehead.
You could workout on a heavybag with your forehead.
just lie down face up next to the douchebag at the gym who is about to drop his dumbells after his set of DB presses?
Is this phenomena considered part of the stretch reflex positioning?
[quote]Jewbacca wrote:
Draw a third eye and walk around at parties, nodding sagely, then looking horrified, and scream “I see what you did! I always see!”, whilst pointing.
[quote]Jewbacca wrote:
Draw a third eye and walk around at parties, nodding sagely, then looking horrified, and scream “I see what you did! I always see!”, whilst pointing.