Alwayz Learning Something New

So I had my blood work done recently and my total testosterone was 310. I’m 26. How tough do you think it’ll be to get approved for T therapy? I’ve asked my endocrinologist at the VA about T-Therapy and he said no way even though I’ve told him that the average is based off of a mean of 18-65 year olds.

Too early to tell I think. I think your TT number is low enough (assuming the 310 is ng/dl), but you have to eliminate other potential causes. And honestly, if you discover that you can fix the problem without TRT, you’re much much better off. So check out the “Thyroid Basics” sticky and “Things that Damage your Hormones” too. If find that you do need TRT, you’ll be well armed with data to convince a reasonable doc to start you off.

[Edit] Did your blood work provide any other data?

From my personal experience with getting put on TRT it will probably be more time efficient to just skip straight to a TRT doc.

I started off with a GP that would not put me on it with almost 100 points LESS than yours is, then went to an oncologist that would only refer me and finally to a urologist that had to be “convinced” and then would only give me Test and none of the other stuff that I needed because he doesn’t know what he’s doing.

It’s a waste of time. First find out if you DO need TRT and then if so, find a reputable TRT doc within reasonable driving distance and skip all the idiot docs who know less about TRT than someone who spent 5 minutes on google.

I second the idea of exhausting all other avenues before beginning TRT. You’ll probably need to show you are experiencing the low QOL issues associated with low T before an Endocrinologist would even hear you out as opposed to some TRT doctors who would take your number and run with it.

I say this as having dealt with the latter and am suffering a bit from it. Trust me, find the cause and go from there.