Hey everyone, thank you in advance for taking the time to help me out.
I am only 24 years old and I was recently told by my regular doctor that I have low testosterone. I was sent to an endocrinologist to check for low t and he told me my total testosterone was 10. I have hypothyroidism and according to my blood work I have little to no Lh and fsh. I have seen this doctor 2 times now and it’s been about a month that I’ve been seeing him and all we are doing is more and more blood work and an mri on my pituitary but nothing is being done for my symptoms while we wait. I feel like he’ll and I figured he’d have started me on something to get my test levels higher by now.
The dr. Also said that he’d like to get my levels to 500 and that would be a good # for a guy my age but my research suggests that my levels should be in the 700 range. This is not a result of steroid use and I have minor gynocomastia and the dr. Says it’s because of the low testosterone. He said my estrogen was fine and now they are checking my blood for cortisol and some pituitary hormones.
Does it usually take this long before an endo begins treating hypogonadism after they already know that test is low? I feel like I need a more aggressive dr. but I don’t know if I should look for a new one or not.