[quote]nichaaron wrote:
BestDaddyEver wrote:
Makavali wrote:
Clen ain’t no anabolic. I personally used just the clen and a solid diet. Lost about 10lbs overall. I’d say 8lbs of fat.
I was just thinking that one would want to have some sort of anti-catabolic steroid along with it.
Also, I read from one source that horses that were injected with Clen actually gained mass and lost fat after 6 weeks of use (the mass gains happened late in the cycle), though I just read that 2 weeks should be the maximum usage period.
So I’ve seen mixed situations where some people lose a little bit of mass while some sources claimed they have witnessed gains in mass. Very strange.
Just my own observations.
Here’s the source: http://www.anabolex.com/news/121/ARTICLE/1053/20
next time around I am actually going to be adding a small dose of AAS to off set catabolisim.and gain strength while on a very harsh diet. with clen its slightly anabolic but you do loose muscle mass kind of like a crash starvation diet,just not as bad.
overall I would lose a good deal of weight but about 80% or so of that was fat.after 10-12 weeks total
some people (most actually) can tolerate it for 2 weeks at a time before they have to take an antihistimine to clear the receptors or going off for a while to allow them to clear themselves.
I personaly can hold off for 3-4 weeks
how I can tell personaly is when I stop droping about a pound a day and my internal body temp and BP drops back to normal. clen causes my BP to raise a couple points and causes me to be about 1-2 degrees higher on average.nothing too dramatic and nothing that I “feel”.
about the horses I am not sure how tha tworks but it is used for breathing problems,possibly its because the horses then feel better and in turn eat more and get more exersise and get better amounts of O2 in there system.
but again I am just guessing on this
What would you stack with it? I don’t know about you, but after my first cycle ends sometime in early 2009 I will attempt to keep on gaining weight and strength or at least maintain (to make sure that my body is used to its new size at least for a month or two) and then I will cut.
Now I am thinking that I should probably stay away from any steroids that shut down my natural test production while cutting so that I can do another cycle that busts out the good old test and whatnot once the cut is over. Should I abide by this idea of not using any “shutdown steroids” so that I can go on another bulking cycle right after or would low to moderate amounts of said steroids be ok to take to avoid any muscle loss while cutting?
If I do avoid such steroids (the ones that shut down natural test) altogether, what would you suggest I stack with the Clen to avoid any muscle loss while cutting as well as be ok for a bulk cycle right afterwards (you know, be in good enough well-being and recovered)?
Can Clen be pretty much added to any cutting stack? I mean it isn’t technically a steroid, is it?