Alternating My Two Routines

My lifting routine consists of 2 6-week routines that I alternate. After the first 6-week routine I seen some sweet gains and I’m still in the middle of the second 6-week part. They both follow a Waterbury-type template that I found in a Waterbury article. What do you guys think of it?

Day 1
Back Squats - 10x3
A1 Dips - 4x6
A2 Bent-over Barbell Rows - 4x6
B1 Skull Crushers - 4x6
B2 Barbell Curls - 4x6
Squeeze Press - 4x6

Day 2
Barbell Bench Press - 10x3
A1 Seated Calf Raises - 4x6
A2 Seated Dumbbell Military Press - 4x6
B1 Upright Barbell Rows - 4x6
B2 Overhead Dumbbell Shrugs - 4x6
Triceps Straightbar Pushdown - 4x6

Day 3
Barbell RDL - 10x3
A1 Decline Dumbbell Bench Press - 4x6
A2 Hammer Curls - 4x6
B1 Seated Straightbar Rows - 4x6
B2 Seated Side Raises - 4x6
Wide-grip Lat Pulldowns 4x6

Day 1
Back Squats - 10x3
A1 Dips - 4x6
A2 Incline Dumbbell Rows - 4x6
B1 Close-grip Bench Press - 4x6
B2 Preacher Curls - 4x6
Upright Dumbbell Rows - 4x6

Day 2
Barbell Bench Press - 10x3
A1 Reverse Dumbbell Flyes - 4x6
A2 Seated Dumbbell Curls - 4x6
B1 Seated Calf Raises - 4x6
B2 Barbell Military Press - 4x6
Straight-arm Rope Lat Pulldowns - 4x6

Day 3
Chin-ups - 10x3
A1 Barbell RDL - 4x6
A2 Incline Dumbbell Bench Press - 4x6
B1 One-arm Rows - 4x6
B2 One-arm Side Raises - 4x6
Tricep Rope Pushdowns 4x6