Alpha Male and Beer?


I AM 40 YEARS AND HAVE EXPERIENCED LOW LIBIDO AND ERECTION PROBLEMS ON AND OFF FOR YEARS, ALOT OF IT HONESTLY DUE TO “MENTAL PROBLEMS”. Also, recently, I’ve been having problems with pre-mature ejaculation. Not a good combo guys. lol.

I AM IN VERY GOOD SHAPE AT 40 BUT love beers. I drink too much that’s my carb intake. :)))

I want to start taking Alpha Male and was wondering if anyone drank while taking it.

Here’s a link to a recent youtube vid of me flexing. Age 40, no weights!!!

Mark Baldwin

[quote]marktb wrote:
Here’s a link to a recent youtube vid of me flexing. Age 40, no weights!!!

Mark Baldwin[/quote]

That’s plain weird.

What’s weird? You’ve never seen someone flexing before? I don’t get it.

If you’re taking the Alpha Male to help with your problems, you might want to stop drinking beer first. If you’re drinking enough beer, it WILL lead to the problems you’re having. If you’re not drinking that much beer then don’t worry about it and just take the Alpha Male.

Give up the beer if you’re worried about test levels.

I didn’t know there was another Baldwin brother. Those guys are everywhere.

Beer is estrogenic, but I don’t think that should stop you from having an occasional beer. My understanding is that it is the “hops” in the beer that is the primary culprit, so if you can find a beer not made with that, you would do well to drink that.

Successful Troll Thread!

[quote]BlindSide6 wrote:
Successful Troll Thread![/quote]

3 yrs in the making too.

OP: maybe you should lay off the beer, at least a little

No beer and no t.v. make homer something something…

[quote]Tstud_9 wrote:
No beer and no t.v. make homer something something…[/quote]

Go crazy?

[quote]pzehtoeur wrote:
Tstud_9 wrote:
No beer and no t.v. make homer something something…

Go crazy?[/quote]

don’t mind if I do

Wait, what kind of beer do you drink?

Gonna take a stab at it and guess the guy drinks bud heavy.

I’m betting on zima or a smirnoff product.

Age 40 with no weight training?? You don’t say!

Beer is asking for low T levels, sure a beer here or there isnt going to hurt much, but there has been research to show that a night of beer drinking can effect hormone levels for an entire week even more.

Lifting legs and sleep seems to help my t levels