I just took my first capfull of the Alpha-GPC Fast-Acting Liquid Formula. Yum. So I have till 5:55pm for the 90 minute mark to start my workouut. I plan to start a little earlier. Like 25 min early. Stretch, warmup, secure a bench…all that shit. Right after I took it I started feeling some good vibes. Like … jusst more energetic, almost like I’m strumming or something inside. Just vibrating with energy. Anyone else get this? Placebo effect from being excited about this stuff?
my current bench is 265lbs, looking to jump up 2-5% today. Hope this stuff works. Seems a little magical but Dr. Z hasnt let me down yet.
Shitty. So pissed off about not hitting the PR I wanted. Granted I tried to go up 5 lbs (for a 270lb bench press). I managed to push the bar off my chest on the way back up, made it about 3-4 inches up and stalled for a bit till my spotter bumped it up.
Second attemp wasnt much better. Fucking pissed. I was hoping for some magic I guess. My final attemp was nearly 2 hours after the dose. Any prob there?
[quote]andrew_live wrote:
Shitty. So pissed off about not hitting the PR I wanted. Granted I tried to go up 5 lbs (for a 270lb bench press). I managed to push the bar off my chest on the way back up, made it about 3-4 inches up and stalled for a bit till my spotter bumped it up.
Second attemp wasnt much better. Fucking pissed. I was hoping for some magic I guess. My final attemp was nearly 2 hours after the dose. Any prob there?[/quote]
I think it’s basically supposed to work by bumping your acetycholine levels. That takes specific nutrients being present in your system though. Most health food stores will stock choline and inositol with pantothenic acid. This is supposed to give your body the necessary nutrients needed to produce acetylcholine.
I’ve stacked Alpha-GPC with a supp like this before and noticed differences but to be honest it seems to work a lot better for me if I take it at night.
I think your expectations were too high and the good vibes were just you being excited. I’ve never felt anything like what you described from it’s usage.
The “vibes” or whatever you felt is all in your head. You would be a good candidate for Homeopathic medicine. That aside, I use Alpha-GPC at night along with Z-12. I seem to sleep better and recover faster with it. Z-12 is good stuff but it seems to work even better when combined with Alpha-GPC. So I use it for recovery - not performance.
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
I have to say that I like Alpha-GPC. It does seem to ‘lift’ me physically.
Could you comment on the difference between it and any other acetylcholine precursors or any choline sources? Is there anything else you’ve tried that can match it?
I ran out and am def going to re-order. I was just wondering the differences between it and something like DMAE or PS, etc.
I know there’s probably a difference in efficacy between it and other sources but can dose of other sources simply be increased to compensate? Are there issues with other substances with the blood brain barrier? OR is there some other MOA I could be missing? I know you have a ton of experience with this stuff so i respect your opinion of it. Thanks.
[quote]andrew_live wrote:
Shitty. So pissed off about not hitting the PR I wanted. Granted I tried to go up 5 lbs (for a 270lb bench press). I managed to push the bar off my chest on the way back up, made it about 3-4 inches up and stalled for a bit till my spotter bumped it up.
Second attemp wasnt much better. Fucking pissed. I was hoping for some magic I guess. My final attemp was nearly 2 hours after the dose. Any prob there?[/quote]
I think it’s basically supposed to work by bumping your acetycholine levels. That takes specific nutrients being present in your system though. Most health food stores will stock choline and inositol with pantothenic acid. This is supposed to give your body the necessary nutrients needed to produce acetylcholine.
I’ve stacked Alpha-GPC with a supp like this before and noticed differences but to be honest it seems to work a lot better for me if I take it at night.[/quote]
so you and mmllcc just take it (the cap full) before bed? I’ve read the TMUSCLE info on it which is what mostly got me psyched. With the GH increase when you sleep though it sounds like a good idea. Any harder to sleep on Alpha-GPC?
so you and mmllcc just take it (the cap full) before bed? I’ve read the TMUSCLE info on it which is what mostly got me psyched. With the GH increase when you sleep though it sounds like a good idea. Any harder to sleep on Alpha-GPC?[/quote]
I’ve noticed that when taking it before bed (on my non-lifting days) I often wake up in the night after a VERY weird vivid dream. Kinda strange. But I’m usually back to sleep pretty quickly.
[quote]andrew_live wrote:
Shitty. So pissed off about not hitting the PR I wanted. Granted I tried to go up 5 lbs (for a 270lb bench press). I managed to push the bar off my chest on the way back up, made it about 3-4 inches up and stalled for a bit till my spotter bumped it up.
Second attemp wasnt much better. Fucking pissed. I was hoping for some magic I guess. My final attemp was nearly 2 hours after the dose. Any prob there?[/quote]
I think it’s basically supposed to work by bumping your acetycholine levels. That takes specific nutrients being present in your system though. Most health food stores will stock choline and inositol with pantothenic acid. This is supposed to give your body the necessary nutrients needed to produce acetylcholine.
I’ve stacked Alpha-GPC with a supp like this before and noticed differences but to be honest it seems to work a lot better for me if I take it at night.[/quote]
so you and mmllcc just take it (the cap full) before bed? I’ve read the TMUSCLE info on it which is what mostly got me psyched. With the GH increase when you sleep though it sounds like a good idea. Any harder to sleep on Alpha-GPC?[/quote]
I sleep like a rock - probably because I also take Z-12 with it. Never tried it without Z-12.
I’m going to take a cap of Alpha-GPC tonight before bed. I only plan on taking it once or twice a week (before bench days). I didnt see anything about needing to load with it.
So tonight: 1 cap Alpha-GPC before bed.
Tomorrow: Bench to max lift (270?) then dynamic work.
God! Thats gotta get expensive though. I can see using Z-12 every night but no one here uses the Alpha-GPC every day/night?
[quote]andrew_live wrote:
I’m going to take a cap of Alpha-GPC tonight before bed. I only plan on taking it once or twice a week (before bench days). I didnt see anything about needing to load with it.
So tonight: 1 cap Alpha-GPC before bed.
Tomorrow: Bench to max lift (270?) then dynamic work.
God! Thats gotta get expensive though. I can see using Z-12 every night but no one here uses the Alpha-GPC every day/night?[/quote]
I’m still using the capsule version (Just got my order of liquid) and have been taking 3 before working out and 1 right before sleeping. That’s 900mg pre workout and 300mg before sleep, and I only use it on workout days. I never really noticed a % increase on anything, but I do notice an increase in energy and recovery while on it.
I also notice I sleep a LOT better on workout days. I have some very vivid dreams, and look forward to sleep on my workout days. Since starting a few months ago, i’ve had to go a week without this stuff. Let me tell you, I felt like shit. I can also say that this had nothing to do with “it’s all in your head.” This stuff works.
Edit: Why are you maxing out on bench with so little rest between?
[quote]Anthony50 wrote:
Edit: Why are you maxing out on bench with so little rest between? [/quote]
Because I’m FUCKING greedy! I am. This is what I do. Dave Tate’s Max effort day on Monday. Then the Dynamic Movement day on Thursday. Before either workout first I do some warm-up bench to a max effort.
30% 1RM 8 reps
60% 1RM 5 reps
70% 1RM 3 reps
80% 1RM 1 rep
90% 1RM 1 rep
100%1RM if my sacrifice ritual and bench dance are successful
I dont like benching twice cause I’m worried about my shoulders but NOTHING makes em happier than hitting a 1RM. It just feels so damn good. Like fuckin drugs.
Followed the plan: Alpha before bed and as an edition I took another cap 90 min before the workout.
The results: weird ass dreams last night and had trouble sleeping. Today I hit the 270 bench! So jacked (personal victory). Not only that but it went up easily. No sticking point. The sticking point truly didnt exist today.
Alpha-GPC works well w/ enhancing sleep because of a few noted factors.
It boosts levels of acetyl choline in the brain.
Acetyl Choline will inhibit somatostatin levels. Somatostatin, also known as GHIH,or growth hormone inhibiting hormone, is a nasty bitch that tends to rise as we age.
W/ somatostatin out of the way, more GHRH is released (growth hormone releasing hormone).
That in turn will boost GH levels, thus assisting in recovery, enhanced slow wave sleep.
There is some synergy w/ this and GABA agonists, such as phGABA and L-theanine.
I would also like to note that it would be a good idea to combine this w/ something that boosts GHRH directly, to boost GHRH even more, when in the presence of low somatostatin. This could potentially be L Dopa (Mucuna)
It almost tastes too good. I find myself wanting to chug it sometimes.
I think I might get a little stimulation out of it. I also might have a bit more endurance with it, but it is hard to say. If there is anything it is subtle. I would side towards saying I feel it a little though, possibly because I use piracetam a lot.
I might switch to using it over daily/nearly-daily DMAE in Power Drive as a piracetam choline supplement, although I will probably still use Power Drive from time to time.
[quote]Anthony50 wrote:
Edit: Why are you maxing out on bench with so little rest between? [/quote]
Because I’m FUCKING greedy! I am. This is what I do. Dave Tate’s Max effort day on Monday. Then the Dynamic Movement day on Thursday. Before either workout first I do some warm-up bench to a max effort.
30% 1RM 8 reps
60% 1RM 5 reps
70% 1RM 3 reps
80% 1RM 1 rep
90% 1RM 1 rep
100%1RM if my sacrifice ritual and bench dance are successful
I dont like benching twice cause I’m worried about my shoulders but NOTHING makes em happier than hitting a 1RM. It just feels so damn good. Like fuckin drugs. [/quote]
are you saying Dave Tate advocates working up to 90%+ on the same lift 2x/week?
What do you guys think Alpha GPC tastes like? I can’t exactly put my finger on it. Something grape, but not like cough syrup grape (its too good for that!). Anybody got anything? Its bothering me trying to figure it out.