All The Diet Advice You Need

This guy is jacked and knows his shit

He looks like he’d get really upset if somebody insulted Brittney.

hes an idiot


“you know, whole grain carbs… chicken breast, the white, not the thigh…” LOL

and apparently he’s discovered food that isn’t animal product, that contains cholesterol

great find

Someone PLEASE ask him what types of exercises he thinks you should be doing and then tell us. How could anyone pass that offer up!?

this guy is really funny too

“Avocados are pure cholesterol.”

I did not know that.

[quote]playmaker08 wrote:

this guy is really funny too[/quote]

Oh hells yeah!


near the end he starts talking like he’s some sort of expert, i have no idea why, but this clip just cracks me up

those two videos epitomize the sad state of physical awareness the vast majority of americans possess

Youtube is like a black hole. Nothing ever comes out of there. Nothing good at least.