All Brain, No Brawn....

[quote]Doug Adams wrote:
I’m picking up what you’re putting down. Last year I participated in a charity CrossFit workout that provided lunch to the participants. I had to laugh because with all their paleo teachings they actually served beer at this thing.

Anyway, one of the trainers who had a decent score in the workout couldn’t even unscrew the top of his beer bottle. Me and my useless non-functional muscles had to do it for him. [/quote]


[quote]attydeb2005 wrote:
The new gym PT manager is a lil guy too. He runs marathons. He always says hi to me and talks to me because I still have training sessions on the books and he’d love to train me. I’m just waiting for the day I can ask what his deadlift is. I know he doesn’t do it so my 185 is gonna shine (I’m a girl and an old girl at that). My biceps are bigger than his. It’s just hard to take advice from someone who doesn’t walk the walk, right? Oh I think there is another thread about advice…and lifts…and looks…[/quote]

your damn right deb. I’m lucky enough to have PT’s at my gym who walk the walk (a few are big enough to scare the shit outa newbs). What do you mean you still have training sessions on the books?

P.S. The AGM at my gym looks like a porker but acts all high and mighty since she “runs marathons”

[quote]Rational Gaze wrote:
Is this one of those threads where the OP posts a clumsy attempt at making themselves look good by posting some fictional story, only to have it backfire?[/quote]

no, This is one of those threads where a poster posts a clumsy attempt trying to look cool by putting down the OP, only to have it backfire.

post count less than 200 + class of 2010 …fail! BAHHHHHHHHHH!

To be fair: I would agree with the OP about annoying little trainer dudes aka “twink gays wearing shirts that say ‘trainer’ on the back”

but teh gaze is right neh? OP tries to look cool.

my coach has a damn fine body.

Ok i’ll come clean…i was sat on the loo one night beating one out and i thought i know, i’ll make this cool story up to make my tiny dick look bigger than it is, it’ll impress my friends :stuck_out_tongue: