Alcohol and Training?

That requires me going to a site blocked at my work - oddly T-Nation is not - hence why I have not commented on your physique/numbers that you have posted there and your footprint on T-Nation is still anoynmous. The initial stance of “in order to be serious about training, you cannot drink under any circumstance” was so black and white and simply wrong that it does come off as crazy. I’ve trained with many olympians and professional and top level athletes all of whom will drink, no not going out getting crazy all the time (at least not most of them) yet they’re at the top in their respective sports. Top athletes everywhere that do not prescribe to your black and white statement simply prove the statement wrong as they most definitely take their training serious and the results, and often time the paycheck that follows shows that.

EDIT: Used the phone to access youtube. Numbers aren’t bad but at the same time do you think never drinking “under any circumstance” has given you results worth saying that anyone that does drink isn’t taking their training serious? I don’t. Also learn to wrap your wrists right your wraps aren’t doing crap for you for bench.

well im sure there are plenty out there that would SUBSCRIBE to it (not prescribe), but you’re right. if you read my later posts i made it clear that it was my opinion and what ive found to work for me thus far. obviously there is also a huge difference between three beers and ten. get your hands on “the vault” by dave tate somehow and read the first few pages. that might change your opinion a little. he basically says your social life, other interests, and sometimes even family life has to suffer for your training. oh and there were several posters very early on in the thread that might agree too. subscribe to me on youtube…you can monitor my progress and stay in touch and maybe over time you’ll find that im not so crazy.

I’ve read the vault and it’s a good read. Now go read about half the shenanigans that Pegg, Wendler, and various other guys on there post about while drinking. As with anything in life, balance is needed. The issue I have is that you simply state that those that drink simply don’t take their training serious, which is proven wrong day in and day out. Vice versa I could say that you not getting 9 hours of sleep a night affects you more negatively than say 3 beers (hormonally it definitely does). If you had something along the lines of “going out and getting hammered every night means you’re not taking your training serious” I’d agree with you but it was the absolute definitive black and white of the statement that any and all drinking meant you didn’t take your training serious was just out there. What if I’m catholic and drink communion? You see where a hardline stance like that can lead? You go off offending the pope who’s probably trying to bench 1500 with pope holy powers but tell him he doesn’t train serious because he takes communion and then bam, he uses spirt fingers to send you to purgatory.

honestly, i can dig all of that. point taken and well stated

i drink a lot.

i like to party

[quote]LiquidMercury wrote:
Well what I’m getting at is that why anyone would partake in such a black and white “I don’t drink” because it will kill my gains philosophy, should in my opinion, have a body that reflects their “dedication/obsession”. It starts with drinking and it ends up with some sort of neurotic disorder where you can’t miss a workout, you get anxious being around junk food, and you don’t go to parties because you’ll be afraid of temptations. Lifting should augment the life you have, not restrict it imo. Especially when you can absolutely succeed in this while still having a good time.[/quote]
Wise beyond your years LM.

At 25 you have probably already made the jump into real life but it is different for college kids. They read a few books and dedicate themselves to an idea. Best lifts, best looking, best body, best etc. and they get lost. Like all things in life I think balance is key, like you said, but trying to explain that to college aged males is difficult at best.

[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:
i drink a lot.

i like to party[/quote]

Sounds like a song…How often you go out?

[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:
i drink a lot.

i like to party[/quote]

You probably have an extra liver in each of those giant things you call “arms.”

You don’t count.

JK, I like drinking a lot from time to time as well lol

[quote]LiquidMercury wrote:
Be more secure in yourself. I have just as good of a night when I’m the DD as my drunk ass friends only I’m not paying for a ton of drinks and my penis is still functioning. Some of the best times are when you’re sober around drunk people.[/quote]

It’s not that hard to have fun when not drinking, and my friends have gotten used to the fact that I’m not always going to booze it up. At the same time though, it makes everyone else feel guilty when they’re drinking/eating shit and you’re not, and that’s part of why they pressure you. But hey, if they can’t deal with my choice and goals, fuck 'em lol.

In general, I do think the black and white stance is limiting as far as general development as a human being goes. Training goals are sick, but I think it’s important to be a person too and not just think about being a machine 24/7/365. We need to socialize too, in one way or another lol. Not drinking or eating with your family EVER is kind of throwing the baby out with the bath water. As long as cheating is viewed as just that, gains should be great anyway.

And for jjlederach:

Nice numbers man. Respect. You can outlift me on teh big 3 for sure (of course you do have like 40lbs on me, but w/e haha). Now make a fucking log on here so people don’t call bullshit on you unnecessarily :).

thanks man i really appreciate it. my squat has been piss lately because i cant get used to those olympic shoes for some reason. my next few good videos ill probably put on here

[quote]JLederach wrote:
thanks man i really appreciate it. my squat has been piss lately because i cant get used to those olympic shoes for some reason. my next few good videos ill probably put on here[/quote]

Please do. It’s as simple as copy/pasting a youtube link into a post

I’m sure age plays a role. I think when you’re young you can get away with a lot.

When I was in my late teens/early twenties I drank heavily many nights of the week and had a full time job manually loading sacks of raw coffee and loose tea that weighed way more than me into bins–pretty heavy labour even for some strong guys, never mind me at 105lbs so I was pretty strong, rode a bike everywhere and smoked a pack a day and liked acid and mushrooms and would spend my weekends at after hours clubs drinking ungodly amounts of alcohol. But I was in great shape! I didn’t get weak and fat until I calmed down and got older.

I KNOW I couldn’t do any of that now and still train, even with my cushy office job.

I don’t drink at all any more because it just doesn’t do anything for me anymore and I can’t take it anymore. I can still drink like an Irish woman but I suffer!

I boozed a good bit in college and still trained 2-3 hours a day martial arts and lifting. Did some workouts suck? Yea… but I knew when to cut back because of competitions and such.

I drink less frequently now, but I still throw some back every weekend pretty much…and train around it.

Hangovers are definitely worse now though.

Well after Christmas, where I effectively suspended the cut for a week and went into dirty-bulk/no-training mode, I’m doing ‘Booze-free January’ and in the last couple of weeks, I’ve had to tighten my belt two notches from pre-Christmas levels. My gut is retreating faster than the usmc from a carbomb.

You have to remember that booze is not only calorific (do you wonder why tramps on whisky don’t die of starvation?), but it also suspends the process of fat burning. I don’t know what effect it has on bulking, as I’ve never done that for any appreciable length of time, but I can confirm that it fucking WRECKS my cutting plans.

Just came across this thread and had some thoughts. I’ve always been a beer guy, enjoying going to breweries and hanging out with friends while sampling IPAs. As I’ve gotten older (late 40’s), I find that a weekend of drinking leads to a weekend of eating extra pizza leads to a weekend of less-than-ideal training. I still workout, but I find the reduced quality of sleep and the excess beer and calories aren’t doing me any favors.
So, long story short, I’m thinking of taking an extended break from drinking beer. Anyone else try something like this and have any results to share?

Its hard to stop drinking but i drink less than i was. But when i drink, i drink ALOT. I like party and im a party animal but like you said it is sooooo hard to recover. My quality of sleep is reduced, wake up almost every hours for 2-3 days. Hard to get back in the routine. Mood, mindset and libido are going down. all this for 1 night out… I miss those time a 18 when it was so easy to recover from 3 night out in a row haha

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Exactly. Not worth it.

sometimes it worth it haha 1 time 2/3 month

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I am convinced that if I drank less, I’d be a shredded monster.

But alas…