Ah What the Heck, I Need Some Help

I’m currently 16 years old and a 3 sport athlete, This summer I was seriously considering doing an amatuer natural bodybuilding show in Ohio just to see what it is like I’ve hit the weights in my basement called the TNT GYM for 3 years, I like to think I’m not a pussy so give me some honest advice

arms=16’’ pumped
thighs= 23’’ cold
forearms=14’’ pumped
calves=16’’ pumped
chest=38 1/2’’ cold
height= 5’8’’
weight:143 (just got out of wreslting)
If I need more pictures posted please tell me.

back shot

lat spread.

arm shot again rough quality

Those last pictures are hard to tell. Need better pictures.

Legs look good though.

Your traps look small, arms are a bit small too.

Your definitely above average though for this section.

EDIT: 16 1/2" arms aren’t small for your height, it must be the perspective of the pictures that makes them look small to me.

I’m sorry for the lack of quality in the photos I lack the tech savvy to get them bigger but if you are really interested the big versions are on Myspace. I appreciate all the feedback, and I agree on the traps I had to go really high reps to failure and probably over trained them have had a hard time squaring them off. And the arms I’m going to try the x-rep program but I’m hoping the genetics are there for those to grow.

I’m now trying some of the dumbbell overhead shrugs and a light day with 5 sets for traps and a heavy day with back with 8 sets including farmer’s walk for traps to try to make the damn things grow.

OMG! It finally happened! Leg pics were posted 1st…LOL!

Nice definition…although, I think your calves might need some help.

Keep lifting!

i think ur looking lean and relatively balanced… i would just add more mass

also im having a hard time believing those are 16.5 arms… what kind of tape measure did u measure with … metal?

also kudos for opening with a leg shot (and even just including one)… quite the rarity

Good base dude…
What kinda weight are you pushing??

Based on the MySpace pics, if the person I think is you is correct, you are a lot smaller than these pictures make you appear.

Well to be honest this lacks testosterone but I have my grandma measure my arms after I’m done lifting and she probably adds an 1/2 inch, just to put me in a good mood. From when my friend measured they have been 16’’ inches but usually do to a catabolic diet during wrestling 15 1/2’'. Now these I can tesitify to our the truth I did this during Football season

bench: 250
squat: 305
miltary press: 175
clean press: 205

lol thats awesome

Impressive lifts however i have to ask, whats up with the cuts on your legs and feet?

lol I my friends and I get together and have ufc fights in my backyard to toughen us up, so we can become men incase the terrorists attack, and then we can kick some terrorist ass.

LOL What’s in Ohio to take over? jk Nice work, keep lifting.

Is that shag carpet in your basement?

well there is a bunch of hills and some old buildings, and yes lmao yeah I live with my grandma so the house is full of shag carpet, black and white tv’s and a giant microwave.

Edit: to Cheets lol I noticed that in all my pictures I had the same ratty ass shorts on. Thank you for all the advice btw everyone, Thank you for the ratings I really appreciate taking your time to help me work on the weakpoints and give me more motivation to train hard.

cheeta, you are gorgeous. Why aren’t there more girls out there that are into bodybuilding? My ex thought it was stupid and always gave me shit for eating food all the time.

Back to post:
Excellent physique at such a young age. You keep doing what your doing for another 4 years and you’ll be twice as big. Experiment with bulking. You got all that natural test flowing like crazy, so eat more and lift heavier!

Excellent i gave you a 5 only because I think you are halfway to where you can get to in another 2-4 years.

ragingbassist thank you very much that means alot btw you and cheeta should hook up New Jersey and Iceland would make a beast off a kid. (From the jokes I’ve seen on Conan O’brian about people from New Jersey anyways).

I’ll definitly make good on your advice and everyone’s advice again I appreciate this. It’s a pretty selfish topic range sitting here posting on yourself so it takes a good person to read and post.

I think its funny every one is telling a 16 years old to grow. Thats like asking the sky to rain. You might not get it win you want it but its going to happen.

Im not going to say get bigger b/c 1) Your a wrestler and thats just not what wrestlers do, and 2) well… that would just be redundant wouldnt it.

What I will say is get stronger. I know that having to watch what you eat all the time can zap your strength (been there done that) 305 squat @ 145 is good but work on your dead lift I would say that is your week link. As for your Traps again its deads. I get more Trap work out of deads than just about anything just throw in some shrugs and they will come along.

Its kinda hard to tell but looks like your lats and your erectors could use anlittle work to.(cant even see your erectors) That will help your deads.

16 and 145 lb. You get bigger and youll get stronger. Youll grow as you get older and fill out so really you should take all this a grain of salt, just keep at it and DONT QUITE!!! Thats the real trick