I’ve resumed taking Udo’s, and I’m taking it from a bottle that (already opened) travelled across country with me and spent about three weeks outside of the refrigerator. Udo’s was never a taste treat, but this particular bottle now is measurably worse than normal. Is it still safe to take? And regardless of the taste, do I correctly assume that it’s still effective? Thanks.
If it tastes different, I would not take it. If you want to, you can go to Udo’s web site and email him directly. I had a question that I put to him on medium chain triglycerides and he answered me within a day.
What are udo’s?
Do NOT take that bottle of Udo’s. EFAs by their very nature, degrade/oxidize very easily into nasty, toxic compounds (look up butyric acid) that would defeat the purpose you’re taking EFAs in the first place. Notice the bottle’s nice and black to prevent sunlight from breaking it down. Notice the bottle says you have to consume it very shortly after opening it so as not to let it get overly oxidized.
To AR and USING, many thanks. I reread the label, and there was no warning about oxidation – only “for optimum freshness, keep refrigerated.” But your warnings are much appreciated, and they have been heeded. Consider it gone.
Specster, “Udo’s” means “Udo’s Choice,” which is a bottle of various liquid fats. It includes Omega 3,6, and 9 fatty acids, and Medium Chain Triglycerides. You can find it in the refrigerator case of nearly any well stocked health food store. It used to be taken pretty widely by T-men, but sometimes I think fish oil caps and the like have become the healthy fats of choice. (That’s just a general feeling after reading the forum for a year now.) I believe in the magazine archive that there’s an interview with Erasmus Udo himself.
Any of these fats that need to be refridgerated upon opening and aren’t kept that way will go “rancid”. In other words it gets rotten. Even in the fridge there is a time limiting factor. Sounds like you know it needs to be fridged and how it changed to a harmful supplement when not. Now get rid of it and get some fresh udo’s!
I swear by Udos Choice Essential Oil Blend. Mixed with tuna, peanuts, mayo, and hot sauce, it makes a great meal, which I eat twice a day, every day. That’s two tbsp a day, for the knowledge-impaired.