Anyone try Afterburn Training Program from Cosgrove?
yep. it’s great. does exactly what it is supposed to do, make you lose fat and maintain muscle.
Since the first time I did it I have adapted it to my preferential form of training but it really did work very well for me.
Since I am fairly advanced in training years I prefer a bit more work but the way it is set up is very good. Doing complexes BEFORE my weight training made a big difference for me (counter intuitive for me) and I had never done ‘finishers’.
Great stuff.
Side note: I own Afterburn II not I so I am not sure what the differences are.
But certainly worth the investment, I thought.
Best of luck,
thanks Marc. I may pick it up. for now Ived added complexes (6 sets) at the end of each training day.
Good idea, experiment a little with complexes and where they fit in best for you.
Personally I do them BEFORE a session. It is a great warm up and it gets the heart going throughout the entire training session WITHOUT impeding my strength and muscle endurance. Just a thought.