TL;DR, having trouble balancing training goals, because I like too many things, and it’s leading to training anxiety. Please help!
Hey CT (and anyone who feels chiming in),
I’m having a really hard time trying to balance training goals and was hoping you might have some advice.
I have such bad training ADD, and this can often lead to training anxiety because I can’t seem to settle on what I want to prioritize as my primary goal for a training block.
It always seems to go something a little like this: firstly, I get my training laid out to support my athletic endeavours (martial arts/combat sports/defence training for my job). But then I’ll question if what I have is frequent enough and enough volume to promote size and strength increases (because, let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to look good while strength training for their sport?). But if I increase training days and add exercises to promote that goal, I worry I’ll sabotage my energy for sport training. Then I worry that I won’t be able to include other training modalities like loaded carries and prowler work if I DO increase my training days, because that will further eat away at energy reserves, but my love of them creeps in and I want to make sure I get to train what I love. Then to further compound the issues, I start to think about stuff like active recovery days, mobility work, yoga etc and where I’ll fit them in if I’m doing all this other stuff, then I remind myself of my initial goal, and the cycle continues.
The above paragraph rambles on but it pretty accurately describes the mess going on in my thought process (speific things like carries and yoga and whatnot aren’t exact examples).
If I remember correctly, I think you’ve struggled with similar problems in the past, so I’m just wondering how you went about calming your brain down and sorting out everything you wanted to accomplish. Should I lay out all my goals, major and minor, plus training practices that I find fun and put them into short blocks that I can rotate through?
Any help is welcome help!