Losing Muscle, Gaining Fat

Hi CT could I please have some advice, my training seems to be going so poorly, I’m losing size and strength and gaining fat at the same time,

I’ve tried to deload and do low volume routines but seems my body isn’t responding. When I add calories I seem to just get fatter and when I reduce them I lose size and strength. I’m stuck and don’t Know what to do!

How do I get my body responding again? Should I focus on regaining my strength back even though I’ve added inches to my waist? Or try to recomp even though I’ve lost an inch on my arms. I really hate this as I’m training hard and eating right (following your low inflammation diet advice). It’s like all my passion and effort is for nothing. I know my emotions are clouding my judgement so would love some guidance.

Hey Dips!

You might want to read the entire thread on the topic “Revisiting Full Body Workouts”. The tenth post in particular might be applicable.

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Yes I just saw that post…interesting. I was thinking of doing a neural charge week and then switch to higher rep higher volume training as my training for years has been mostly high intensity, heavy training. I’d like to know CTs opinion on this

check stress levels, sleep, testosterone levels, etc. make sure diet is on point

Maybe it’s stress but I feel fine physically, my body just seems to be unresponsive

Hard to know what is going on exactly. But you might actually consider using a high volume approach. I know that I wrote the “best damn program…” (I didn’t come up with that title) and mentioned that most naturals will not respond well to high volume because of an increase in cortisol. HOWEVER it will not be the case for everybody.

I believe that there is a strong correlation between neurological profile and what is optiomal training-wise. I also believe that training outside of what is suited to your neurological profile WILL cause a greater stress response (cortisol) which will make you lose muscle.

So my recommendations are to:

  • start training not based on what you THINK you should do, but how you WANT to do. I’m not saying to not train legs and only do arms… I’m talking about the style of training you do. Find something that excites you, that makes you tingle at the thought of going to the gym.

  • at the moment don’t think about losing fat, getting strong or building muscle. Focus on doing everything well, nutrition and training-wise. Just eat, don’t stress about eating too much or too little. Just make good choices. If you feel like you have too much fat lower your carbs and increase your fats (eggs, olive oil, fish oil, coconut oil… you need all types of fats).

  • As long as it respects my first recommendation, try training in a way that you have never trained before. You might be accommodate to a certain type of training.

Thank you CT. I do enjoy almost all types of training, in fact I get really into one form for a while then fancy somthing new after a few weeks. I do however know that if there is one type of training I have neglected in my 12 years of training it is high volume routines, I’ve trained that way maybe 6 months out of 12 years (the rest training like an athlete or using high intensity training such as DC)

I think I may have clung onto the idea that I have to train a certain way or else I’m wasting my time.

Funny thing is that once for 3 months I stopped all weights exercises and just did dips, pushups, pullups etc. I did super high volume, I mean 200-500 of each a day (I was training for the military and just wanted super high work capacity, and I saw what Hershel walker did and wanted to see if it worked). Now my legs atrophed slightly but my upper body stayed the same maybe even got bigger in places, my weight stayed the same and when I came back to lifting I had lost no strength in upper body lifts (actually felt better)

Two years I ago tried your growth factor training (while leaning down no less) and actually for the first time in my life felt happy with how I looked with a shirt off.

I find it fascinating how fickle the body is, and it’s hard to detach yourself from your body and look objectively as it becomes such an emotional issue.

Anyway, thanks CT for the advice. You’ve given me some confidence again for my training.

You will never be wasting your time if you train hard and smart. Even if a training is excessive for your body, you can still do it for 4 weeks and progress.