Hey, this is my first post on this forum.
I am stuck in a rut and I am looking for serious advice about fitness/strength building that will help me towards changing my life.
I’m 30yrs old, and I am in awful shape. I’m not an over weight guy, but I am out of shape and I am physically weak.
I have a history of exercising for a period, stop exercising for a longer period. That’s been my cylce for the last 3years. When I do exercise I focus more on losing body fat, cardio, circuits, body weight exercise, but I have never really done any serious weight lifting, building muscles has never really been my aim, it has always been more about cardio, staying fit, and losing weight.
In 2010 I injured my back(lower/lumber) due to heavy lifting at work. I went to see my dr, he refereed me to a physiotherapist, and I was given a program of core exercise to help me. I kept up with it for a while, looked like it helped, but something happened in my personal life ment that I had to refocus my life and priorities. Since then I have struggled to keep up with my fitness goals.
2012 I decided to sort my life out, career wise, family wise, and fitness wise.
So far this year I have managed to get the ball rolling with sorting my life out in every aspect except from fitness. So, 2 weeks ago I started training again, got weights at home. What I realised is that I am probably in the most unfittest stage I have ever been.
My muscles are week, I have poor muscle endurance and bad cardio. The worse this is, and its a big problem, is that it is taking me muscles 3-5 days for the soreness(DOMS) to go away, which means, at this stage, I can only lift weights every 4ish days. After doing small weights to get back into training, and some body weight squats, my body takes ages to recover.
So, I’m not exactly sure how to approach getting back into training, especially because it takes me ages to recover, therefore only allowing me to lift weights when the soreness is gone. Any advice?
Also I want to, for the first time, concentrate on becoming stronger and increasing muscle mass. Im sick of having good cardio, but being physically weak.
I want to significantly improve my strength and muscles.
I think this is where I need advice. How to I get back to training and tackle the DOMS issue?
Also, how should a beginner sensibly and safely approach weight lifting?
What kind of lifts should I be doing?
F’k me, this is a long post, I apologize for that. If you have read the whole thing then I fully appreciate it. I hope you guys can help me out on this.
Thanks guys!