Adrnal Fatigue & Green Tea

…Or any herbal tea for that matter! I’m a big green/white/herbal tea drinker ande I have adrenal fatigue, I’m aware that drinking licorice root & ginseng can help with adrenal troubles but I dont like them and I do love my green and white in particular, anyone know of any other teas or ways to aid the fatigue?



Did you try to stop drinking tea? If yes, did it make you feel better?

I have fatigue problems as well, but i didn’t test myself for adrenal fatigue. I used to drink A LOT of green tea during the day. Now i have a cup of coffee in the morning and two cups of green tea with breakfast and right after breakfast. I feel very drowsy during the day, but as time goes by i feel better and better without tea. I wouldn’t say that i feel better now than without tea, but i am becoming more tea-independent so to speak.

As for tea substitute - i use Aspalathus Linearis. Not as tasty, but still a good beverage. It is caffeine free and has lots of antioxidants.

Low carb dieting could help, since excess sugar/carbs are linked to adrenal fatigue. To be honest though, I think that general stress is by far the biggest problem, unless you have none of that and still have adrenal problems.

I don’t think you’d have any trouble with organic white teas. White typically has less caffeine than regular green tea, so I would think the benefits of drinking it would far outweigh the negatives. I personally, drink a big old mug of self ground in the evening and have no trouble getting to sleep at night.


Here is a great article on how to minimize the caffeine content in green tea. The 6th tip seems to be a good idea!

Talking about sleep - since i ditch caffeine containing beverages in the afternoon i get asleep in less than a minute. I had HUGE problems with that. I could only get asleep tossing and turning for 20-30 minutes or sometimes an hour. I couldn’t get asleep without melatonin. Now it is a big difference. And i am tapering caffeine right now as well.