Adex Dosing Question/Experiences

I run adex year round at 1mg/wk while using 100mg/wk test cyp (TRT). Between Dr. visits(evey 6 months) I will sometimes up my test dose, depending on what I have and what I’m getting ready for.

My question has to do w/ the adex dosing as T dose goes up. I know from blood work that 1mg adex/wk w/ 100mg Test/wk puts me in the optimal zone, and I feel great. Right now I’m up to 200mg test/wk and not feeling so good so I’m going to up the dose of adex, but not sure how much. Would 2mg/adex/wk be too much?

I’ve been at 1.5mg adex/wk for four weeks w/ the 200mg of Test and feeling very emotional and crabby, not much morning wood. I would almost think the 1.5 is too much, but I don’t have the normal body aches I get if I push the adex too much. So I’m not sure, bloodwork is not an option right now either. Any experiences or info would be appreciated.


If you double your bio-T levels, then you probably need to double the adex.

I don’t think that body aches from low E are a universal indicator.

How often are you injecting?

I agree with KSman, you should probably double your adex dosage since you have doubled your T dosage.
Not everybody gets sore joints/body ache with too low of estrogen levels. The two times I have taken too much adex, my libido was through the roof and so were my erections.

The problem was I couldn’t “finish” no matter low long intercourse lasted (or until I ran out of breath). It took four days as I remember before I got back to “normal” after stopping the adex. I have spoken with other men that have had exactly the same reaction to an adex overload, so how you will react is really a mystery until it happens…

[quote]KNB wrote:
I agree with KSman, you should probably double your adex dosage since you have doubled your T dosage.
Not everybody gets sore joints/body ache with too low of estrogen levels. The two times I have taken too much adex, my libido was through the roof and so were my erections.

The problem was I couldn’t “finish” no matter low long intercourse lasted (or until I ran out of breath). It took four days as I remember before I got back to “normal” after stopping the adex. I have spoken with other men that have had exactly the same reaction to an adex overload, so how you will react is really a mystery until it happens…[/quote]

WOW. Ive never heard of that before. Based on that I would guess I’m under dosing, but like you said everyone is different…

KSman: I’m injecting 1x/wk

Also, for future reference, let’s say I was at 1000mg/wk of Test. Maybe try 5mg/wk adex and see how I react, or do you think more?

1000mg: Uncharted territory. 5.0 would be a start.

Weekly injections create T spikes that lead to E2 spikes and generally higher E2 levels compared to more frequent injections. Suggest that you inject twice a week or EOD at any TRT dose. Dose adex EOD.

sounds good.

Thanks again KSman, you’ve helped me out in a big way a few times before. Glad you’re here. If you don’t hear back from me, that means all is well.

[quote]KNB wrote:
I agree with KSman, you should probably double your adex dosage since you have doubled your T dosage.
Not everybody gets sore joints/body ache with too low of estrogen levels. The two times I have taken too much adex, my libido was through the roof and so were my erections.

The problem was I couldn’t “finish” no matter low long intercourse lasted (or until I ran out of breath). It took four days as I remember before I got back to “normal” after stopping the adex. I have spoken with other men that have had exactly the same reaction to an adex overload, so how you will react is really a mystery until it happens…[/quote]

Better not let my wife see this thread or it will be adex in my coffee!! Ha ha