Note: I am not concerned with safety of cardarine at all. Cancer, liver, etc. I have looked over the studies and that is my conclusion, in case that factors in to anyone recommending it. I plan to use for 4 weeks
Started at 207 about 8 weeks ago. 3 weeks ago started carnivore exactly
I’m 5’9” 179lbs. My question is what do you think of me adding:
Cardarine 10-20mg
Alpha yohimbine 2-4mg
I have not been to gym or done cardio my entire dieting due to work and being lazy but I just began going again today. I want to do 4 sessions of fasted cardio a week.
I’m on:
200mg Test Cyp/week
100mcg t4 25mcg t3(was low on bloodwork)
800mg L carnitine (injectedim. I’m on 2nd day taking)
Diet: 2lbs 80/20 Beef daily (aim for an 18-21 hour fast daily)
I’ve been off caffeine/Sudafed and plan to take this entire month off of it. Was sort of like a daily lite ECA stack I was taking for congestion. I mainly want to know if you think cardarine will benefit my cardio performance? I had some lying around. First day of alpha yohimbine 4mg today has my heart rate at 180 doing include treadmill(very high lol). Should I continue with these for this month while I continue cutting. Roughly 7-8 weeks or my entire diet I have not lifted nor done cardio besides walking at work. Thanks for any advice!
I don’t want to take: clen ephedrine caffeine.
Random info:
Blood sugar been a stable 80-100 all day even after eating, in morning, etc. after fasted cardio today and about 18 hours fasted it was 81. Have not seen in over 100 this entire carnivore diet. Has done wonders in helping me lean out although I do feel somewhat tired but that’s expected when at such a deficit