I posted my Starr 5x5 adaptations a while ago and received some excellent advice. Now id likes a critique of my entire program along with my diet in rough if possible.
Time Frame: 16 Weeks or until progress tapers off.
Height 6"2
Weight 195…due to inactivity and poor diet, down from 205. (goal 215)
Caloric goal: 5000 calories according to Berardi calorie calculator.
Lifting Goal: I?d like to increase weight in all the power lifts as well as the power clean. Following this program I?d like to branch off into further power lifting programs.
Workout: Adapted Starr’s 5x5
Monday: 7 PM
Decline Bench 5x5
Squat 5x5
Power Cleans 5x5
Rows 3x8
9 PM: Yoga
Tuesday: 7 PM:
Simple Fit level 5 (Body Weight squats, Pushups, Pull Ups)
Core Workout
A1 Weighted Cable Crunch 4x6-8
A2 Wood Chopper 4x6-8
B1 Medicine ball Toss 3xmax
B2 Russian twist 3xmax
9 PM: Yoga
Wednesday: 7 PM (Light)
Decline Bench 4x5
Squat 4x5
Dead lift 4x5
Rows 5x5
9 PM: Yoga
9 PM: Yoga
Friday: 7 PM
Decline bench Press 4x5, 1x3, 1x8
Squat: 4x5, 1x3, 1x8
Power Clean 4x5, 1x3, 1x8
Row 3x8
9 PM: Yoga
Saturday: 7 PM:
Simple Fit level 5 (Body Weight squats, Pushups, Pull Ups)
Core Workout
A1 Weighted Cable Crunch 4x6-8
A2 Wood Chopper 4x6-8
B1 Medicine ball Toss 3xmax
B2 Russian twist 3xmax
9 PM: Yoga
9 PM: Yoga
Changes I have made and why?
Substituted rows with power cleans and assistance work with rows. I wanted to put more emphasis on the clean then the row but was not comfortable dropping the rows.
Substituted flat Bench For decline: I have not made gains in the flat bench in ages and it hurts my shoulder while the decline does not.
Added yoga each night to work on my flexibility and help me relax to fall sleep easier.
Simple Fit was added to increase work capacity. Will substitute with HIIT or Tabata from time to time. removed Assistance arm workout from program to allow for the added pull ups.
Core Workout 2x a week. Two main reasons for this. a) I like working core and took core exercises out of the main days in favor of rows.
b) Most importantly my girlfriend loves doing core work and it allows us to spend some gym time together. Same goes for doing yoga.
Diet info: I don’t have a set diet as of yet and have not done massive grocery shopping or ramped up the calories. Therefore cannot give specifics of my diet at this point. However I rely a whole lot on liquid meals to reach my desired caloric intake (raw eggs, protein, olive oil, peanut butter, greens plus, flax, wheat germ, cottage cheese.)
I am also partly vegetarian and only eat fish.
I was wondering if anyone could get me started with a nutrient breakdown for a bulk. Keep in mind it does not have to be squeaky clean for me.
Protein 30%
Fat 30%
Carbs 40%
Perhaps I should ramp up the carbs a bit more?
Sorry for the long post, any help will be appreciated