Actors, Athletes, and Influencers on Steroids

Was gonna say this too lol. Most of the time you can tell, but every once in a while a great pair surprises you

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A comment like that suggests that you have some ā€œwheelsā€ yourself.

But you wouldnā€™t even be suspicious on the boob jobs that look good. The woman would have to mention it, or let you feel them or something to tell. It is what makes this variety of bias so difficult to sort out.

It is possible that most of the boob jobs fall in the category of just good looking boobs. IDK, I couldnā€™t quantify it haha.

It is also possible most look bad. I donā€™t know haha.

He was particularly big in one movie, but for the life of me I canā€™t remember which one. Delts were positively blown out.

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I guess the author of this article and the site get sued out of existence for libel, for failing to provide specific personalised proof against some of the named individuals. Because they have none.
Anecdotal evidence and confession from others do not constitute proof. And damage the credibility of your own products.

Itā€™s all very well for Jo public to speculate and gossip. As a co founder of the business you have screwed up big time

Having a hard time replying, keeps bouncing me out. Not comfortable with posting pictures of me shirtless to a bunch of adolescent kids and their parents at 55 years old. Though my physique isnā€™t exactly what it used to be. Current weight is 230. Due to a pinched nerve in my neck that Iā€™ve been dealing with for the last three years. Just been rehabbing and trying to hang onto size. Iā€™ll post something soon of me in the gym squatting 5 plates after leg pressing 1000 for 3 sets of 30.

I doubt youā€™ll find many - if any adolescents here. Teenagers arenā€™t interested in forums.

Would be very interested to see videos of both.

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Give it some time. There is no urgency for you to prove any credibility. As we all get to know you better, your input will be given the credit it rightfully deserves.

Post on some other threads. As you communicate more and more you will expose better who you are and you will get the credit you have earned.

(Please add no negative connotation to the word ā€œexposeā€, it is exactly what you do in competition.)

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Great article as always @TC_Luoma . Anything to add about SARM use? Iā€™ve recently been talking to some coworkers and it seems to be pretty rampant amongst younger guys and military as a ā€œsafeā€ alternative to steroids. When I mentioned to the guys on them that RAD140 hadnā€™t really even had much human clinical trial yet, I could see their B-holes pucker up a bit lol.

  1. The burden of proof for libel is stupidly high - not likely. You have to show that the statements caused actual harm. I am going to guess that all those mentioned by name here will not lose a single penny due to the existence of this article. In fact, it may make them money if it drives folks to their social media pages to check out what the fuss is about.

There is nothing wrong with saying ā€œTell the truthā€

  1. @TC_Luoma and the other authors here know their stuff. Itā€™s hands down the best training website/forum I have found.

  2. BioTest products speak for themselves (having used many)

You canā€™t honestly tell me you believe the Rock or the Liver King (pre-exposure) arenā€™t/werenā€™t using PEDs

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I imagine theyā€™d go after Joe Rogan first, whose pretty much made the same claims. Besides, as I stated in the article, using steroids to get in shape for a role shouldnā€™t be any more scandalous than someone using Just for Men to color their hair.

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Thanks! Yeah, RAD140 hasnā€™t had much research yet; just one (I think) study in women with breast cancer. Also some anecdotal evidence about severe hair loss and liver damage.

As always, an informative and entertaining piece. Question: what do you think of Enclomiphrene and Tadulufil to enhance testosterone production which the guys at Maximus are promoting?

Rockā€¦ definitely on sauce. Some would say good genetics too, but his insertions are crap at least for pecs and abs. Heā€™s a big dude that partakes in steroids and works his ass off. Prime example is his photos from 30->50.

Jackmanā€¦ again on steroids. Look at the first photo of his movie at 30 versus mid 40s. Also look at his candids on the beach. He was definitely on something to get that shredded but he was never big.

Hemsworth is ā€œprobablyā€ on but possibly not. He has NO legs, but great upper body proportions and muscle insertions / muscle bellies. You can even see it in his young modeling photos. With a pump, tan, and some oil this is likely achievable by the .1% which he could be.


Jackman obviously uses gear for some of his film roles. I will give him credit for training with weights at least since his mid twenties(probably earlier). I remember seeing him on Australian morning TV interview in the mid 90ā€™s about his role playing Gaston in stage musical Beauty and the Beast. He had clearly been training for a while and was in good shape(natty at the time).

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Hemsworth is definitely ā€œonā€ (IMO) when he plays Thor. He shrinks down to normal, in between roles. I remember seeing a clip where his brother says teasingly "do you even lift bro? ".


Unless Iā€™m missing something, Tadalafil will increase NO production and enhance erectile function, and maybe add a little to increase exercise tolerance, but I donā€™t see it elevating T. As far as enclomiphene, which is, as I understand, made of one of the steroisomers that makes up the old drug, Clomid, it should work nicely to elevate T levels modestly, but likely not beyond normal physiological ranges.

This is very true. Iā€™m only giving the benefit of doubt as I think heā€™s got good genetics and with Hollywood ā€œmagicā€ (ie make up and lighting) its ā€œpossibleā€.

My quick takeā€¦ I donā€™t care. I WANT to see an action hero look like one. It their own business so long as they arenā€™t selling you something that states ā€œtake this and look like meā€.

I also see nothing wrong with glamorizing a super fit body. That goes for males and females. For some reason the ā€œaccept your fat selfā€ movement has taken reign but gone too far as to promote obesity. The only downside is that, yes, these Hollywood bodies probably encourage some young innocent minds to take steroids that shouldnā€™t, Arnold and Sly sure did encourage me.


FWIW, Hemsworth doesnā€™t even look like Hemsworth in the latest Thor movie lol.

Something that I think gets overlooked is CGI for some of these actors. Chris In the latest move looks absolutely massive, but any pictures of him taking during the time of filming show a guy with easily 10-15lbs less muscle on his frame, not to mention a bit less chiseled. Not to say the guy isnā€™t in phenomenal shape, he clearly is, but the image on him that gets projected in Marvel movies is without question an edited picture to make him look even larger than he really is.


Absolutely. Itā€™s the Hollywood magic I was referring too.

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